We had a little going away party for Jessika last evening. We made mushroom barley soup and had some white wine. Then we watched Two Popes. That is a great movie and I want to watch it again soon.
Yea, check it out. It is the story of an important moment in history. That is the way to look at it I think. I’m following the thought of film reviewer Sister Rose Pacatte who just wrote about it on FB. If one knew a lot about the two one could possibly start poking holes in it. But it’s strong point is about the change that occurred and that is what we should concentrate on.
There is a wonderful biography about Pope Francis that I read a couple of years ago now. That is Pilgrimage by Mark K. Shriver. As I remember there were three parts to it. First was a rundown on the Jesuits. Second was a view of Buenos Aires and third finally the biography proper. That all worked well and I learned a lot.
But the film added beauty to the whole story for me. It was all well done visually. Part of the time they are just these two guys hanging out in the Sistine Chapel. How can that not be beautiful!
Let’s see what else is beautiful. Earlier two foam boxes filled with dry ice and barbecue came in from Corky’s in Memphis. That is compliments of Bill and Tracey, the in-laws. Beautiful! That’s what’s on the menu for New Year’s Day.
OK, the afternoon walk coming up here shortly.
time to go, Happy New Year loves, Felipé.