I am back with more thoughts about my sister. It is an instance of longing this quest of mine. And somewhere along the line I have discovered that is what we humans do oh so well, longing that is. We endlessly long for this or that. That doesn’t in any way diminish the vision of my sister but it does say to me to relax about it and it will work out in it’s own time.
The idea of dreaming came up yesterday. About how dreams can help us connect. And I had this very weird disturbing dream last night. Not to go into detail but it was about dealing with beings that are weird and ugly, dream beings. Disturbing maybe is the word. But is that enough to doom them, just being weird and ugly to me. Don’t they get to exist just because… Somehow I needed to see/experience this before moving on.
I really just wanted to dream about my sister but I get this one about strangeness. Oh well. Must need this lesson somehow. I am trying to lean into it to make peace with it ultimately.
OK, well that is more than you really want to know maybe. But sometimes things are not straightforward, or easy or pretty. We have to deal with stuff that we are dealt. That’s what is happening today.
Off I go to attend to things.
sunny loves, Felipé.