“Persistence Furthers”

Mr Blackberry is here!

In his homily today Father David talked on persistence. He was reminding us and himself maybe about the value of stick-to-it-ness. God is patient with us and is not bothered by our insistence in our prayer life. And he is persistent with us, following our bumbling trajectory day after day.

It was reminding me of the once popular practice of “throwing” the I Ching the Chinese Book of Changes. You were supposed to realize how things were in constant flux and if you were having bad luck well then it was only a matter of time for it to be better. Or if things were good, enjoy it while it lasted. Something like that. It seemed like I was always “throwing” persistence furthers no matter what. I was stuck in the world of try again or try harder. I finally gave up on that, too depressing maybe. How about an easy one once in a while.

But I guess there are a lot of things in life that require this kind of patience. Persistence being a kind of patience. Sometimes it is such a long haul, a certain thing that we are called on to do. Or something seems to be a burden like an endless chore that is repeated over and over again. Something we have to eek out.

Maybe God looks at us so. “What a rookie!” He says when we screw up endlessly. I‘ve never quite thought of it like that. Maybe that is one thing we are supposed to learn.

Today is the day of St.John Vianney’s annual Salmon Bake. I have to go up there to help out serving and will grab a bite to eat while I am at it. It is a summertime thing!

Well, it sounds like Sunday around here. I’ll have to hurry back to walk the trail at 4 this afternoon. Oh, and tapas, my favorite thing in the whole world.

tapa loves, Felipé.