I just saw this on my May 30th 2014 post, roughly two months before Spain:
“Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you.” 1st Peter 5:7
I’m liking that and a great way to start off another thousand posts here at Caminoheads. Are you ready for that? Probably need a whole new readership as I’ve probably burned you guys out by now.
Maybe a little on readership would be appropriate here. I was just looking at the stats for the number of visits to this blog per month over the last two years. In 2014 we were averaging 700 visits per month and this year 900. The low point in the year is summertime, July and August. And the winter and spring times are most active. So here we are now at the beginning of the best time, I had better up my game.
So, now we are averaging roughly 30 visits per day by interested folks. Some are regulars and some maybe have just wandered in as a result of a search. Anyway we have fourteen parties that receive the blog automatically, ten via email and four via Word Press. That is handy and it might be worth your time to sign up for one of those. I know my Rebecca is one and it just automatically shows up on her email whenever I post.
It is raining like mad out here and barely light out, must be good blogging time, right? So what will be up for the future of this blog, for the next thousand posts? Gee, that sounds daunting but it really isn’t when you take it day by day, it just adds up. And I think that one of the main pluses of this writing is that it is fresh everyday. There is no major long range plan to it. It just describes the pilgrimage of a guy with cancer going down his trail and the people he meets and the things he finds out. How long can he keep this up, maybe is a major question. Well, we will see I guess!
So, I see a couple of comments came in to help celebrate the occasion yesterday. One from Terry Hershey of Sabbath Moments and one from Pilgrim Farmer John from the Heartland in Wellman, Iowa. Thanks guys. Two walkers, Mary and Debbi from the Port Townsend area showed up yesterday to be with us. And Wiley and Hanna and Catherine y Dana came by to toast the 1000 blogs (and watch the Cubbies of course). So, that is what it looks like (nice win Cubbies).
So just a thought to folks that read Caminoheads, I always always enjoy comments on the posts and I answer every one. It is easy to do if you haven’t done it already. It makes the whole situation come alive, otherwise Felipe is just yelling into the wind out there on the Meseta somewhere.
Off we go, walking in a moment, love, Felipe.