Dear Caminoheads,
We, the Pilgrims, know the expression “It takes a village” quite well; likely, all of us arrived to Santiago due to the “village” (aka “Camino Family”) that we collected during the Camino. This blog is something similar… I have the feeling that Phil took with him some sort of “magic” that kept the blog functioning properly -although, from time to time he would say that he wrote posts that then he lost-.
The thing is that the blog has been malfunctioning for months. If I would open the blog as an administrator, then, my computer would start acting funny. I have written several posts that couldn´t be published, then the address would not open the blog, or when entering the blog, the text would not “accommodate” within the lines, and instead, it would decide when to go to the next line by itself. We also noted that the comments field had disappeared… Oh, and I did not mention that the domain also had to be renewed.
And this happens to someone like me who has a technology disability. Every time my phone or computer have an update, I want to cry thinking what will NOT work next. But, gladly, we have a “village” who have been working for several days exploring what could be going on, renewing the license for the name, and doing some of the maintenance. The person doing all of this is a friend of Phil, one of those who from the background, has been supporting the whole Caminoheads infrastructure, including the corn patch last year. And I also took my computer to a technician. I explained to him what was one of the main issues saying “So, I used to write a blog of a friend, a pilgrim with an amazing life story, but I have all sort of issues when I try to log in…” His eyes enlightened and said he had done the Camino too after losing his father to cancer, and he said he would watch Phil´s movies even if his English was not good, because he just wanted to “meet him”.
So, after getting the help of “the village”, the blog has been awakened!!!! And while it is “up”, it is not yet running, but at least it is “up” and slowly walking…
… Right on time to remind everyone of the launch of Phil’s book based on the blog compiled and edited by Catalina (Kathryn Barush) and edited with the help of Rebecca and some others who had the luck to read it while ongoing.
So… SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!! It will be 13Aug in the Ranch, just one day after the 3rd anniversary of Rebecca´s book “That one day in August” was launched too, and almost 3 years after the first Caminoheads gathering.
And save some dollars too… we must make a success of this book and I am sure we all know lots of people who will be touched by Phil´s story.
“Despierta blog” loves,