At Sherie’s in San Diego for the night. Just getting up to get the day going. First a shower then the quest for coffee. It’s that marine overcast sky out, I recognize it.
We are off to ten o’clock Mass at Mission San Diego Alcula (sp?), I think the original mission in SD. Then we are off to the wedding which is late afternoon. That’s some nuts and bolts but we need some thoughts on those in a bit.
But the catch up on yesterday is that the Padres got a walk off homer last night and we watched that with all of Todd and Jess’s family and friends in attendance. There was something like eighty of us all together. Quick Rick and Kelly were there to complete the situation.
The screening went fabulous with maybe thirty in the small venue. The panel discussion was amazing with Dr Arash Asher from Cedars Sinai Hospital. What a great addition to our group of pilgrims and artists. Here is the main idea that he brought to the table: connectivity equals well being. And that is what he was seeing in our film. He sited a study comparing data from 1980 to now in which people where asked if they felt isolated. In other words, do you have anyone to confide in? So, earlier it was one in ten that didn’t and now it is one in four. So, with all our social media we seem further apart. But in terms of cancer rehab, connectivity is important and perhaps one of the major factors in my success.
Just got back from the mission who had a truly amazing service. I wept at communion and after communion there was a quirky occurrence where people applauded because it was so beautiful. It seemed perfectly appropriate but I’d never seen it before.
Well, we are driving to La Jolla in a few minutes. Todd and Jessica getting married after falling in love on the Camino when we walk d in 2014. Yea, connectivity in action.
See you tomorrow, love, San Diego Felipe.