Who knows what will happen. If I wish for excitement maybe it will get too exciting. If I wish for routine maybe I will get bored. But usually boring at the hospital is a good thing.
I was mulling that over in the waiting room this AM when I first arrived. I was in a seat next to the new coffee machine, the new fangled one. This section of the hospital got a face lift not to long ago and everything got upgraded including the coffee maker. This new one is unbelievably complicated or so it seems when you first encounter it. All of a sudden getting a cup of joe involves a screen and choices and cursors. What happened to grabbing the pot off the campfire and pouring it in your trusty tin cup. So, that’s what I was thinking and apparently somebody else was thinking something similar. As I was sitting there next to the machine I became aware of this guy trying to figure out the menu and fumbling around with the buttons and mumbling something about hollow point bullets. Yea, I understand.
Let’s see what else is happening? Various nurses are stopping by to chat. They really are the high point of the day for me. They are a great group of people that I get to hang out with. The circumstances could be better of course but it’s what we got to work with.
I got three more hours of chemicals to go. Time to email and research on the web, maybe read my book. Well, thanks for hanging out with me here. It is a
strange place to have as a home away from home but it works.
On Vashon, locals are trying to squeeze the last few drops of juice out of summer. My Rebecca and I were partying the last five evenings in a row. Maybe we get a break, from the good life tonight.
Love you guys, Felipe.x