Trying To Smile Through It All

The flowers are still doing a cheerful job!
(photo P Volker)

I’m finding these life and times during the outbreak to be quite sobering. This is not what I normally equate with fun. I’m trying to find a stance or posture to work from. Trying to smile but that doesn’t quite seem right either.

Father David came out with a whole list of rules and regs about how church was going to run for the foreseeable future. Yikes, seventeen items about stopping the spread of the problem in the life of the church from stem to stern. This is all very sobering and disconcerting but apparently necessary as we are suddenly all enlisted in helping with this process.

To be fair four of those seventeen items were about showing care for each other and our Island neighbors. This did somewhat balance all the hygiene information. It shows us that we have to be on the lookout for those not doing as well as we are. Some folks are going to need extra help.

And how does all this effect us the pilgrims? We have got to be the huggyist kissyist subset of folks going anywhere. It will be tough to comply with these new emergency protocols but they will become habits pretty darn quickly I predict. This is all looking very serious and seriouser by the minute.

So anyway, sorrow about all the doom and gloom. We have a walk today and our first work party beforehand. I will have to brighten up.

thanks for being here loves, Felipé.