Just In: Ibuprofen A Vegetable!

The forsythia is still trying to bloom!
(photo P Volker)

Oh, the strides we made in balancing our diets when we found out that wine was a vegetable. Do you remember? Well, where that came from there is more good news! It turns out that not only Ibuprofen but Tylenol and Aspirin count as vegetables. Yea, our worries are over.

You know in this time of perpetual bad news 24 hours a day I took the artistic freedom to come up with something a little funny, well at least a little goofy. I just had to break the spell that seems to be hanging over the whole place, the whole country, the whole world if only for a minute.

Ryck our CPSBC had a piece that he wrote on FaceBook writing about how these days so reminded him of the days after 9/11. It was a good piece and timely. I guess we both felt the need to say something. And Cris CSABC had a piece with video on Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. We seem to be feeling the need.

Time to go for me. Stuff to do.

the need to be goofy loves, Felipé.

One thought on “Just In: Ibuprofen A Vegetable!”

  1. Thank you, Phil.
    Blaise Pascal said that“In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.” And I think that is.
    These days (I mean, these years) when we have 24 hours news and online news and so many places to get “breaking news”, we can truly get caught up into this image of the world where all is bigotry, devastation, eviction, xenophobia, etc. but the reality is that there are also presidents like the one in Croatia or New Zealand, and people helping educate the children in refugee camps, and doctors and nurses treating the patients with Coronavirus and most of us still greeting our neighbors extending our hands, kisses or hugs.

    That is the beautiful I carry in my heart. I shared the video yesterday because it showed me that something “Beautiful” I can carry in my heart. Likewise this neighborhood.

    Won’t you be my neighbor? Love,

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