The Summer Schedule! 3/6/2020

by Aunt Charlotte.

This is it, the arrival of the long awaited for Summer Walking Schedule! This Sunday morning, the 8th, we will be on Daylight Savings Time and this signals the beginning of our new schedule.

Also we are implementing two changes to the situation while we are changing things. At the rockpile here at Phil’s Camino will be a donation can to help with general expenses of the trail. We ask you to donate a little to keep things going in a safe and satisfactory way. Also one hour is being set aside on Sundays for a work party. This is nothing heavy duty just mostly clean up. So, wear your jeans and bring gloves if you will be here for that. And that is only in good weather.

Monday walk 0900-1000
Tuesday walk 1600-1700, tapas 1700-1800
Thursday walk 0900-1000
Sunday work party 1500-1600, walk 1600-1700, tapas 1700-1800.

4 thoughts on “The Summer Schedule! 3/6/2020”

  1. I am in central California and and Charlotte and I are currently out for breakfast. I just opened up this schedule and was able to show her in real time that you used her picture today. She is quite pleased to see it.

    Thank you for sharing her work with everyone!

    Artistic blessings,


    1. Rho and Aunt Charlotte ~ great to hear from you both. I love that piece with Sture and me. Only the best wishes to you, Felipé.x

  2. We are planning to see you tomorrow. Brining gloves, a great work ethic, and positive attitudes. And tapas.

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