A Report? Yes, Gladly.

Tim and Cathy at Point Robinson Lighthouse, Vashon Island, WA.
(photo unknown)

Every morning I go out the back door and under the cherry tree to dump yesterday’s ashes from the wood stove. It was darker than I was used to because of the time change adding an additional hour to the other end of the day. It was frosty out because of the clear sky. The moon full or nearly so was taking it’s leave in the west. But what is that racket? It took a moment to focus on the sound of a pack of coyotes yodeling to the north. What a time they were having!

And yes, yesterday the time changed and Phil’s Camino changed to it’s summer schedule. Afternoon walks start at 1600 now. And we had our first work party which was attended by Tim and Cathy, two of my all time favorite people. A lot of cleanup got accomplished in the south pasture along the trail there. These work parties will be every Sunday through the summer season in good weather starting an hour before the walk.

And yes, people responded also to my plea for donations to support the trail. Tim and Cathy showed up with a bag of sunflower seeds for the birdies. And the Marauders sent in a check from California. This is all very heart warming for this guy.

So, life at the ranch goes on. Folks are letting us know that they will be here for the Veranda in August. As far as I know we will be collecting RSVP’s again at [email protected] . Rho is manning that.
Those dates are August 21-24.

Monday morning walk here shortly. Frosty out there, the ground is white.

we continue on loves, Felipé.