
We ended 2015 with a final post about après earth wear. Those jammies do not have feet in them by the way, that would be a bit much. Don’t want to look like an adult version of Ralphie in his bunny suit. We are ever fashion aware here at Caminoheads. And now at the beginning of 2016 let us keep the same light heart and walk on to perhaps our finest hour.

Go Notre Dame, beat Ohio State, love, Don Felipe of Viana.

3 thoughts on “!!!!FELIZ ANO NUEVO, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!”

  1. Happy New Year ol’ Jarhead Felipe!
    The reason the “left Coast” seems so happy these last few days is because there’s nearly a hundred thousand good Iowa folks out there cheering on the Iowa Hawkeyes in the Rose Bowl. The University is only 30 minutes from our home and we have a daughter and son in law as grads so we have to be supportive of them. Keep in mind that’s a sacrifice coming from an Iowa State alum, married to an Iowa State Alum and parents of an Iowa State Alum, with another dozen or so family members thus educated.
    2016 has started with gloriously bright sunny skies and half a foot of snow on the ground and 25 brisk degrees. I’m 6 days and counting now til the bionic hip replacement. I am READY!

    We don’t know what this year will bring. And that’s a good thing.


    1. PFJ ~ We are watching THE game as I write. The second quarter just started. They need to get their offense jump started quickly. OK, hoping for the best. And best wishes and prayers for your upcoming surgery. I don’t know how many folks I know that have had replacement work and say they wished they would have gotten it done it ages ago. So, off to a new year, yea. More corn to grow, more pheasants to shoot at, go Iowa, love, Jarhead Phil.

    2. Oh John, trying to call you but you are probably down in the bunker. Always next year, Felipe

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