The Good Luck Dinner

Another shot of Rowan of the North on Phil's Camino.
Another shot of Rowan of the North on Phil’s Camino.

Actually it is the Good Luck Southern Dinner that My Rebecca made yesterday as she always does on New Years Day. The centerpiece is a pork roast which is surrounded by side dishes of sauerkraut, black eyed peas and corn bread. We had four guests to share this with and there was a report of good luck coming in from one of those. So yes, I think that we are starting off on a good foot here at Raven Ranch.

What else do we have for you? I decided that it was time to wade into my office and start cleaning house. It is currently close to gridlock. It is amazing how far down the priority totem pole paperwork can get in my world. I am sure that this is not that uncommon. Please tell me that.

I also started a map on a whiteboard at the rock pile on Phil’s Camino to illustrate where we “are” in Spain on our second walk that we are on now. Then maybe in addition it would be good to have a regular report here on the blog about this, coming out say every Sunday. OK, let’s try that maƱana.

Also, there has been a report of Our Annie having talked with Ken Burns about the Phil’s Camino documentary. Yes, this is THE Ken Burns together with THE Our Annie O’Neil. This was totally unplanned by them. Remarkable things continue to occur when St James is afoot. Let’s all of us keep alert to possibilities that seem to come out of nowhere.

Well, I could continue to write away here or go and start on my office clean up. Thinking that it would be good to have some heavy equipment to push the piles around or perhaps some pyrotechnics to loosen things up. It is sort of like an archeological dig and I need to take more care perhaps. Or perhaps I should quit talking about it and just start. Yup.

Here we go clearing the deck to take on 2016! See you tomorrow, love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “The Good Luck Dinner”

  1. Hi Phil,
    Somehow I have missed who Rowan is? This beautiful dog is with you guys, or a friend’s?

    Yes, the paperwork, documentation, ticking boxes is some people’s secret skill set, but pretty rare I think. It is my nemesis, plus plumbing.

    The new year dinner sounded so fantastic! What a life! love to you all, Michelle

    1. Michelle ~ Rowan comes to walk with Cynthia who actually lives next door to you, to the north. She just moved in there this summer or fall so you might not have caught up to that. I’m pretty proud of that pic because he moves around a lot plus I was trying to catch him in the sunshine. Anyway, a great dog and he loves Phil’s Camino and doesn’t want to quit. If you can make a walk now and then you will run into them.

      And then the dinner, it is a great tradition coming to us from Rebecca’s mom and Alabama. The only time I get to have black eyed peas, right? And the corn bread is made with our own cornmeal from the sweet corn we grew this last season. I can’t stop bragging about that, but really it’s good and a blast of summer. Will have to get you some.

      OK, Mr Sandman is here working me over, time to go. Go Hawks, love, Felipe.

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