Where Do We Go From Here?

Dusty love as the trail goes on.
Dusty love as the trail goes on.

Well, just follow the trail Felipe. OK, OK, I knew that! Will include a paragraph from Annie, the Producer/Director of Phil’s Camino with the latest news on the progress of the documentary. We both agreed that her updates would be good for us to have to keep up to date here at Caminoheads. So, we will have a double post today, Annie’s following this one.

Where is the trail this morning? Well, I really had no idea till I just read the aforementioned news from Annie. She said something that tweaked my sensibilities. She was talking about the possibility of having Doug Blush along on these final fine tuning sessions for color and sound. Doug is a very talented and accomplished editor and here he is hangin with our crew of pilgrim artists lending his expertise to the effort. We are so lucky to have him on our team. Thank you Doug, thank you St James.

Let’s see, what did Annie say about Doug’s presence? “Hopefully, Doug will join me on both these trips, bringing his experience with over 70 documentary films with him. It is nice to have his wealth of knowledge to lean back on!”
I love the way Annie put that, “to lean back on!”. Thank you Annie for showing me the trail this AM, for this blog, for me.

I find myself more able “to lean back on” God more everyday as my days pass by. There is a way, a vision, a path that opens to reveal a God that is welcoming, that has a feminine side. I am discovering this and discovering how to approach it. After years of fire and brimstone, which is still there, I am lucky enough to start to experience the milk and honey side of God. This deserves many more well chosen words but I am out of time for now.

Off to the big city to see Danger Zone, my beloved rehab doc. Have a great one, love, Felipe. Remember to swerve for those newts.