I’m Back

There's Felipe on the Camino,
There’s Felipe on the Camino,

Between Terry and Richard I just got overloaded with God stuff. See right there, I was trying to write “good stuff”. I was overloaded with God stuff, exactly right. I guess I need to write my blog before I open and read these guys, too much for me. Wonderful stuff but heavy duty.

So, Catherine y Dana and Cynthia y Roan showed up this AM to walk and we did make it around two laps when I suggested that we go inside and have a coffee and read these blogs. I needed some help with this stuff. We read all three blogs outloud and had a great discussion. Just perfect for a rainy morning. This is all great stuff for Lent and we are doing exactly what we should be doing. Thanks Terry and Richard.

Alright, we haven’t solved the case of the lucky octopus but he can wait. We have covered enough for one day. And remember to slow down for the darn newts. Don’t be a stranger, love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “I’m Back”

    1. Gracias Terry for sharing your talents and wit with us here at Caminoheads. We wrestle, we grapple, we blunder, we wonder and finally we enjoy each other as we trek along. If you ever make it to Spain and a visit to St James it will somehow look familiar. Love you man, enjoy the wine and the company, Felipe.

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