The Salt Lakers Have Landed.

Tracy, Loretta and Erin pic from Annie.
Tracy, Loretta and Erin pic from Annie.
At Raven Ranch.
At Raven Ranch.
Along Phil's Camino.
Along Phil’s Camino.

Caminoheads from afar have descended on Raven Ranch bringing buckets and piles of their lovely energy. Just when we thought we had a lull between Thanksgiving and Christmas in come this gang, Tracy, Loretta, Erin and Erin’s husband Jeff. They are all friends of Annie’s, well who isn’t really. So we are walking and talking and partying hardy in between. Just alberguing down with cozy wood fires and tapas. Haven’t had this much fun since Mary Margaret came through maybe a year ago.

The weather is beautiful for Northwest late Fall. But do these guys care anyway? All of us sat out at the picnic table last evening with Catherine y Dana tapaing in the dark and the drizzle with candles and twinkle lights. Are there any conditions that Caminoheads can’t tapa?

They all rented a beach cabin on the harbor for two nights. Could see Orcas out the front window. There were some bunk beds and Tracy claimed one of those for old time sake. We will be there for dinner tonight. Maybe have a winter bonfire so can get them all smelling woodsmokey for the flight home.

It’s pretty much an alperfect situation here. Will be out hiking today working the the tapas off. There is a grove of giant cedars that we want to get to. Their giant roots go across the trail and you feel like a Hobbit scrambling over them. Feeling like a Hobbit, priceless.

OK, enough of this giddiness. Time for breakfast and getting ready for the Salt Lakers. They will be here at 0900. For my readers we will start our Advent celebration soon I promise. Thanks for being here readers, love you, Felipe.

4 thoughts on “The Salt Lakers Have Landed.”

    1. Willy ~ they are four pilgrims on a journey and mentioned in the post. Thanks for stopping by, Felipe.

  1. What a generous thing to say, Phil! I miss you and Rebecca and am looking forward to seeing your film. I love Advent, the anticipation and the need to reflect even more on the lessons of El Camino.

    1. MM ~ Man, we had a blast with this crew from Salt Lake, serious fun lovers. Rebecca kept saying that too bad Mary Margaret wasn’t here to participate in the festivities. Caminoheads just know the drill right? Yup, and Advent is here. Deeply moving time. Yes, good time to remember our Camino lessons. Well, keep in touch. Love, Felipe.

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