Caminoheads On The Horizon

Along Phil's Camino.
Along Phil’s Camino.

Good friends of Annie’s are coming for a few days to grace us here and walk Phil’ls Camino. They are coming from Salt Lake and probably at the airport now. I find myself scurrying around trying to catch up on things to make these guests comfortable and welcome.

It is comforting to me, as I have my first coffee of the morning contempleting all the undone details of welcome ness on my “to do” list, when I think of something Annie said to me on her first visit here. Awaiting her my little mind was stuck in the “Annie is coming, Annie is coming!” mode as I scurried preparing.

One of the items on my long list was to find some big flat rocks to put down in Raven Creek so Annie could get across gracefully when she came to walk the next day. Yea, got it done and was pretty proud of it. So, the next day when we were making our way around the first time in the typical rain of early March we came up to the stepping stones setting above of the flowing water and Annie complimented the engineering by saying, “Oh, how Camino!”. I was flattered but followed by saying to be careful because I just placed the rocks and some of them may be a little shaky. And she quickly exclaimed, “Oh, how Camino!”.

That’s when I learned to relax and love Annie and better understand what being a Caminohead means. So, Caminoheads on the horizon, that’s the way it is with us. Ideally you will be reading this on the Wifi on the plane. Know that we will charm each other “just because” of who we have become and therefore “we can’t help ourselves” (another Annie) and my “to do” list will perhaps be little shakey. Welcome!

4 thoughts on “Caminoheads On The Horizon”

  1. What was it you said yesterday? Something like we spend too much time doing and not enough being. Ahh. So wise, so Camino. Thanks for a little walk, tapas and being time yesterday and welcome to the Caminoheads from Salt Lake.

    1. Catherine ~ nice walk yesterday and tapas in the drizzle. Thanks for being there, good energy all around. It’s not the same anymore, right? Love, Felipe.

  2. Oh Felipe, another great post! I do remember that, and I remember how beautiful an experience it was walking with you. I am so excited you will be welcoming Tracy et al, another branch of our extended Camino family! Ultreya y Suseya, my friends! I know that you will enjoy the heck out of one another, and don’t forget to send pictures!!! I love you all, all the Caminoheads reading this, wherever you are <3 I am so happy our paths have crossed. I love reading everyone's posts, thinking about you during my day, and knowing that there are even more Caminoheads too shy to comment, but are walking with us even so. Thank you Felipe for providing us the space to walk together. It truly is another case of "We can't help ourselves!"

    1. Annie ~ we just can’t help ourselves anymore can we? Must be in the zone, right? Thank you Saint James. Love you so, Felipe.

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