The Big Day/Walking Schedule

Felipe on a cloudy day in Spain. A cloudy day is a good thing.


Super Bowl 2017 today.  We’re going to be there with Lady Gaga this afternoon.  A big day is unfolding.   But we are here to report where Felipe and his merry troupe is along Phil’s Camino.   We have left Arzúa and currently are within 38 km of the Cathedral at Santiago.  They are remarkably slow but remarkably happy,  they don’t seem to care that it is taking forever.  There is some talk of where to go next and it looks like they will walk out to the ocean and back.  So, come along when you get a chance.  Here is the current schedule:

Monday 0900-1000

Tuesday 1530-1630

Thursday 0900-1000

Sunday 1530-1630

Wear your rubber boots and have your raingear handy.   We travel in all sorts of weather and laughter seems to be rain resistant.  So come and join us.  Loved you yesterday and it should be the same today, Felipe.