Super Wednesday

All the firewood that isn’t there anymore. Time to reload.
(photo P Volker)

There should be a Super Wednesday, right, After the Super Tuesday. For the benefit of someone reading this text five hundred years from now Super Tuesday is a important day in the American political process of presidential race when one of the parties has numerous primary elections on the same day. See we cover all the bases here at Caminoheads.

And on this particular Super Wednesday it appears that Joe Biden pulled off a miracle yesterday to be the front runner for the Dems. It was pretty impressive watching the coverage on the Tube. I feel honored to have been around him way back when in the 1960’s when we were both starting out. I wrote about that back on the February 23rd blog if you missed it.

Personally I think politics is a strange animal and I have as little as possible to do with it anymore. The Camino was the turning point for me. Other things seem way more important. Not that I don’t appreciate voting and all the struggles that our ancestors went through to give us what we have today. I am deeply grateful. But there are other things that need attention too.

With that I am going to bail out today. The sun is out and chores call.

Supers Loves everyday, Felipé.