The Radical Remission Docuseries

Just new leaves on the weeping willow.
(photo P Volker)

You know if you have been reading this blog for any time that I am big on the research of Dr Kelly Turner as written up in her book Radical Remission. Let me review this for any newcomers. Dr Turner is an integrative oncologist and not an MD first of all. Her original idea that she came up with long ago was, I’m paraphrasing, “If you want to win the war on cancer you have to talk with the winners.” So she took ten years and interviewed a thousand former cancer patients that had the designation of spontaneous remission. This is what medical doctors call the complete unexplainable absence of the malady. One day a patient’s cancer just disappears and that is what the doc writes in, spontaneous remission. Dr Turner changed the term for her book to radical remission because she felt that that was more accurate.

Anyway, she identified ten topics that were talked about a lot in the interviews. These she identified as important and I am with her on this. These topics we have talked about and kicked around a lot for a long time on Caminoheads blog. Of course some more than others. So, I was very excited to read her writings a couple of years ago when the book fell into my hands. As I remember it was a gift of a walker here at Phil’s Camino which in itself is telling.

So, the news today is that Dr Turner is coming out with a docuseries on these ten topics which you can sign up for. It is starting on March 16th. Each topic will be available for 24 hours before the next one comes up. If you are interested Google Radical Remission Docuseries and you should find something to work with, some way to sign up.

And why should you be interested? True we don’t all have cancer, fortunately. But we all know someone who does though. And way beyond that these are great topics for anyone to consider. Look them up and you will see. These together make for a healthy life I would say.

I will be tuning in to this because I have tons to learn. Just wanted to let you know that there are things happening out there. Dr Turner is also coming out with a new book in April called Radical Hope. It’s all very Camino to me, that is why I am excited and excited to tell you.

trying to simplify our loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “The Radical Remission Docuseries”

  1. Hi Felipe’
    I recently picked up a copy of this book and started reading. Well researched. Hopeful. The tone of her writing is reasonable and balanced. Being currently in remission, I want to do what I can to keep it that way. Thanks for the heads up about the docuseries!

    1. Curt ~ yes, please check this out. I would like as many people as possible to see this. Felipé.

  2. This is exciting, Phil. I watch quite a few docuseries. I find they often have information that doesn’t make it to the mainstream and are full of value. I’ll look for this….. wherever I can find it. Thank you.

    1. Bonnie ~ hi. I am really big on Dr Turner and her findings. I will be interested to hear what you think about it. I would send you a link if I could figure it out but I think that you can find it with what I have given you. Felipé.x

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