Hunkering Down

We don’t have to travel to see this beauty because we have William.
(photo W Hayes)

People are a little leery of travel and mixing it up with the general populace these days. Can’t hardly blame them with the current situation of the new virus spread. Our own Catalina from Berkeley was supposed to come up here later this month and is having second thoughts. Maybe we should just FaceTime it all for now and call it good.

It is a funny feeling to be hunted or haunted by this “bug”. It is acting like a very talented rookie. It will be quite successful early on I predict until we figure out it’s strengths and weaknesses and exploit it’s Achille’s Heel. Right now we are unsettled by our lack of knowledge. Well that’s me speaking, obviously no expert. It’s my impression.

Our county, King County, is currently a hotbed of cases and deaths. We are quickly becoming obsessed with tracking this. Hmm, strange feeling it gives me.

Well, the main defense seems to be our personal hygiene and practices. At least that gives us all something to do while we wait for it to blow over. Hopefully we will all, feel better about things by August and Veranda time.

Oh, and then today is Super Tuesday with all that hoopla. Well, I have my own list of things to accomplish today above and beyond what is going on out there. And Henriette will be here this afternoon, yup off I need to go.

keeping sane loves, Felipé.

8 thoughts on “Hunkering Down”

    1. I know Ryck, setting up the barricades and passing out the powder and ball! Felipé.

  1. Thank you for choosing your words wisely this morning, they were comforting and helped me out of my unnerved state.
    Blessings on your day.

  2. Felipe,

    I know this virus is hitting close to home. I am thinking and praying for all of you up there including my cousin and his family since he is near you.

    I have been following my friends and pilgrimage leaders in Italy and this is really hitting many of them hard too. I didn’t realize how dependent Italy is on tourism and pilgrimage services.

    Praying for all,


    1. Rho ~ thank you for your prayers and support. This reminds me of the 9/11 era. I took a plane somewhere that same week and the darn thing was practically empty. Everyone seems to be taking this new incident seriously so it’s impact will hopefully be minimal. I will pray for Italy too. Felipé.x

  3. Hey Felipe,
    I thought I left a message this morning but it may not have posted forgive me if this is a double post.
    I really needed to hear the wise words you said this morning. It’s soothed my day it did.

    1. Nan ~ it is a little tricky. The comments don’t seem to post immediately. But they do post after a time. So, just do it once and have faith. Thanks for being here with us. Felipé.x

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