I was talking with Tucker and I told her that the result of “walking and talking ” with her and a hundred other great folks that have come to my Camino was a college education. Just a thought, Phil.
It’s Greek. It means spiritual maturity. A lofty goal don’t you think? I am off to a Teleios meeting in a few moments. These are small men’s bible study groups of which there are something like a hundred in Western Washington. Have been going for ten years but can’t remember exactly. Locally we have a great bunch of guys who participate each week. We take turns leading the group and hosting the meetings. It all seems to flow along effortlessly somehow. Today we are studying First John chapter 3 I think. Bad me, I should have read it by now. I have way too many irons in the old fire. The best to you all, Phil.
Good morning. Just trying to get myself back together after yesterday. We started filming the “Phil Volker Documentary” (working title) yesterday. It revolved around my appointments there at Swedish Hospital. But there was time for coffee break conversations, and joking with the nurses. Big fun. This is for the beginning of the project which will mostly be filmed in Spain which is less than two weeks away. Big big fun!
So, we are hopeful and prayerful and looking forward to capturing the basic raw material on film. Friends have started various forms of fundraising such as Kickstarter and I will get back to you about that. But there is an account open here at the local bank if you would like to send a check to help out. And I will give you the address:
Phil Volker Documentary Account
US Bank, P.O. Box 428, Vashon, WA 98070.
Here are some great pieces of poetry for you that my good friend Liz introduced me to yesterday:
The road seen, then not seen, the hillside
hiding then revealing the way you should take,
the road dropping away from you as if leaving you
to walk on thin air, then catching you, holding you up,
when you thought you would fall,
and the way forward always in the end
the way that you followed, the way that carried you
into your future, that brought you to this place,
no matter that it sometimes took your promise from you,
no matter that it had to break your heart along the way:
the sense of having walked from far inside yourself
out into the revelation, to have risked yourself
for something that seemed to stand both inside you
and far beyond you, that called you back
to the only road in the end you could follow, walking
as you did, in your rags of love and speaking in the voice
that by night became a prayer for safe arrival,
so that one day you realized that what you wanted
had already happened long ago and in the dwelling place
you had lived in before you began,
and that every step along the way, you had carried
the heart and the mind and the promise
that first set you off and drew you on and that you were
more marvelous in your simple wish to find a way
than the gilded roofs of any destination you could reach:
as if, all along, you had thought the end point might be a city
with golden towers, and cheering crowds,
and turning the corner at what you thought was athe end
of the road, you found just a simple reflection,
and a clear revelation beneath the face looking back
and beneath it another invitation, all in one glimpse:
like a person and a place you had sought forever,
like a broad field of freedom that beckoned you beyond;
like another life, and the road still stretching on.
– David Whyte
from Pilgrim
©2012 Many Rivers Press
Camino, by David Whyte
The way forward, the way between things,
the way already walked before you,
the path disappearing and re-appearing even
as the ground gave way beneath you,
the grief apparent only in the moment
of forgetting, then the river, the mountain,
the lifting song of the Sky Lark inviting
you over the rain filled pass when your legs
had given up, and after,
it would be dusk and the half-lit villages
in evening light; other people’s homes
glimpsed through lighted windows
and inside, other people’s lives; your own home
you had left crowding your memory
as you looked to see a child playing
or a mother moving from one side of
a room to another, your eyes wet
with the keen cold wind of Navarre.
But your loss brought you here to walk
under one name and one name only,
and to find the guise under which all loss can live;
remember you were given that name every day
along the way, remember you were greeted as such,
and you needed no other name, other people
seemed to know you even before you gave up
being a shadow on the road and came into the light,
even before you sat down with them,
broke bread and drank wine,
wiped the wind-tears from your eyes;
pilgrim they called you again. Pilgrim.
Pretty nice. OK, I am off to walk. Things are pretty much in a whirlwind. The best to you all, Phil.
And It’s All About Me
Today we start filming for the new documentary. I am off to Swedish to get my portable pump taken off which I have been living with for two days since the big infusion on Tuesday. This is all standard procedure. What is not standard today are several meetings with one my docs and physical therapist to have the camera be a “fly on the wall” and try and catch the content and flavor of that. So, I will there most of the day which will be an enjoyable thing really.
Yes, and what could be a more enjoyable day then a, “it’s all about me” day! This is tricky and needs to be sorted out and thought about. One, it is just a little bit flattering that my personal journey is of so much interest. I have to ask, “Really?” But two, I realize that there is something going on these days that is way bigger than myself. And it is all pointing toward the Camino de Santiago and telling that story. I am blessed by the presence of so many positive influences these days that are buoying me up and sustaining me to be able to do this mission. I really don’t know the complete story but I know enough to always keep moving one foot in front of the other. What more can I ask? And this will be, in short, what the documentary will try and capture.
Just a little insight, our camera/sound crew is already in Madrid. They are from Argentina and sound like two great guys and I can’t wait to meet them. This is going to be a “lean and mean” team effort, no frills, big heart. Yup, we are used to that! They did a lot of work on the documentary “Walking the Camino” which was filmed in ’09. So, they will be back with us soon in ’14 to capture Kelly, Rick, Michael and myself on this important trek.
When I came to the Roman Catholic Church I asked them for the “Full Meal Deal” and I got that far and beyond my imagination. Of course this is built on all the other influences that has come before as my family, my medical family, my beloved bible class, my Protestant friends, my fellow vets, old friends and all the great people of Vashon Island. I feel at home here and now and this is the stable platform from which I am launching.
Sister Joyce says that I am a magnet picking up good things in my environment and weaving them together to build my view. Prayers for Sister Joyce by the way, as she travels to Iowa and for healing for her ankle that she turned. She was supposed to come and walk on my Camino here at the ranch but was prevented by her injury. Anyway, we are thinking of you now Sister Joyce.
So, I think that at this point it is fair to say that the real emotion and thrust of this effort is going out toward fellow cancer patients, cancer survivors, cancer hobbyists and cancer wrestlers. I have been all four of those. What I am trying to say to them is that get good treatment, get good rehab and and hang out with people that inspire you. And then you will inspire others which should be our main goal. Saint James is Afoot, Phil.
If I Had a Hammer or Ten Things to Remember
Peter, Paul and Mary? Yes, for sure. But first I had this right brain flurry that we need to try and corral. And we will get back to Peter, Paul and Mary, I think. Who knows where this all will go, right?
1. Sister Joyce loves peanut butter and jelly, a little known fact.
2. Peanut butter and jelly is one of those great cosmic connections that we could ponder, if we had time, which we don’t. We know that it works and that’s enough, right?
3. Also include bricks and mortar, bow and arrow, skis and good snow, mortar and pestle, ham and eggs, green eggs and ham, lox and bagels, hammer and nails.
4. What about Peter, Paul and Mary, one of the great folk groups of all time? Well a little out of vogue now in this fast snarky world but we may tire of that fast also. And what about the other Peter, Paul and Mary? They have been in and out of vogue so many times that they know the drill, they wrote the handbook for the drill.
5. Laural and Hardy, Cheech and Chong, Abbot and Costello, Siskal and Ebert, Romeo and Juliet, Timmy and Lassie, Roy and Trigger, Roy and Dale.
6. Where am I going with this? Don’t know exactly but I do know that when I am following the lighted path I can only see a few steps ahead and have to have faith that things will work out. Keep moving.
7. Sister Joyce says that everything is a two way street. When I say to her that I get a lot out talking with her she says likewise (paraphrase). She can use language like that because she is from Montana. I love it!
8. Everything to working towards good. It may be three steps forward and two back (thank you Father Scott) but it is always going in the right direction. God is a gathering force and the Devil is the opposite. That is the reason for the herky jerky feel of things on this earth. I think, my uneducated guess on this.
9. I need you all. And you need me. Back to peanut butter and jelly. We, they need each other to live out this play. We may be annoying to one another on occasion but we need each other none the less.
10. Keep moving, wear your lucky shirt and don’t over think it!
Ultimate Roadhead part two
So, yesterday we were talking about our favorite guy, Santo Domingo de la Calzada or Saint Dominic Ultimate Roadhead. And we talked about how he did improvements on the physical Camino. But he also helped out the pilgrims personally as in the Miracle of the Cock and the Hen and others.
There was a young German man doing the pilgrimage with his parents. Somehow he became involved with a young local gal that he ultimately turned down. She was not happy about his decision and framed him with a serious crime. Poor Hugonell was sentenced to death. Our dear Roadhead went to his rescue by going to plead before the magistrate who was unfortunately in the middle of his chicken dinner. Not happy with the interruption he roared at Dominic, “If that young man is innocent, these roast birds will rise from the platter and crow! ” The rooster on one platter jumped up and crowed and a hen on another rose and clucked! So, young Hugonell was released and on his way. So even today descendants of the original birds live in a coupe in the church in Santo Domingo.
There is an artistic image that appears at the church of a dog carrying a human hand in its mouth reminding us of another miracle done by our guy. Two men were dueling and in the fight one lost has hand and the dog brought it to Dominic and he reattached it. Pretty cool.
Quite the story about a guy that started out from humble beginnings with no education. What does it take to be helpful in this world of ours? For sure we
can’t say that there is nothing for us to do because we don ‘t have the fancy training.
A Glitch in Time
Good morning! It is going to be an awesome day here today. I am off to Swedish Hospital in a few minutes to start treatment which happens every two weeks. Yup, have to gird the old loins. Anyway, thought that I would take a minute to explain something quirky about this blog. We covered this before but it was a while ago. This is about the sequence of the posts that appear on this blog. Much of this material is in the archives that you can access by going to the right side of the page and it will read June or July. So, if you go to June you will find somewhere in there the post entitled “We’re on Shore”. This was my very first post. And the posts go on if you scroll down, “Day Two”, “Day Three”. If you keep going you will come to the end and then you can continue by going back to “We’re on Shore” and scrolling upward and you will be going forward in time. Then you go through July until you come to today. The latest post always is at the top and appears first thing when you open the website.
This is just in case you are a real trooper and want to cover all this ground that I have covered in the last two months here. Annie said my blogs are like potato chips and you just can’t eat or read one. Thanks Annie. By the nature a blog, which is nothing more than a journal but maybe more public, moves forward and the author doesn’t want to explain everything again and again. To get everything you have to know what happened yesterday and the day before and so forth.
I am mentioning this at this point because my oldest best buddy is recovering from surgery and he has the time to read this blog now hopefully. God bless you Jim. Or, Fernando, our cameraman for the Camino, and his buddy the soundman/producer, will need to find the “Proposed Timeline” on the blog. God bless you guys and can’t wait to meet you. Or maybe I am mentioning this to you because you have found something here that speaks to you, or entertains you or you’re just curious about things Camino. God bless you everyone. Didn’t Tiny Tim say that in “Scrooge”?
OK, off to Swedish Hospital to see my people. Alice was gone last time on vacation. Who in the heck gets vacations? I’ll have to retrain her all over again. Didn’t Yogi Berra say that?
Current Walking Schedule till July 18th
We are close to wrapping up the standard schedule, so this is the way it should layout for the next few days:
Monday – Old Mill from 0900 til 1200. (start at 220th) (medium difficulty)
Tuesday – Kelly’s Hills from 0900 til 1200 (start at Agren Park) (hardest)
Wednesday – Phil’s Walk from 0900 til 1200 (Phil’s) (easiest)
Thursday – Old Mill from 0900 til 1200 (medium difficulty)
Friday – Old Mill from 0900 til 1200 (medium difficulty)
Saturday – Phil’s Walk – 1000 til 1300 (easiest)
Sunday – Hard to Tell – 1000 til 1300. (hardiest) This one just happens so I don’t know what to tell you.
Ulitmate Roadhead
Kelly, Rick and I walked eight – nine miles yesterday morning after early Mass. It was the first time that we had all walked together. At times I could barely function because of their chatter. They have known each other for years and they have this way of relating with each other like some long married couple and they are hilarious. Totally glad that I will only have to deal with them one at a time in Spain! Kelly will be with me for the first two thirds of my walk and Rick with me on the last third. Had my second 20,000 step day yesterday. Kelly is about to break 30,000 any day now.
National Fried Chicken Day went great yesterday. Rebecca made fried pickles. And the moose peperoni was pretty dang good. I would up talking about the Camino most of the time; what else is new?
OK, so here it is, the ultimate roadhead: Santo Domingo de la Calzada or St. Dominic of the Pavement (road surface). Yea, there’s my man! I learned about him from Esther and he is her favorite saint. Esther emailed a bunch of info on him and let me sift through that and come up with a bio. Now, I can see that this will take more than one day so here is the first installment:
The town of Santo Domingo de la Calzada is just west of Logrono. It is considered by some to be the spiritual heart of the Camino. So, Dominic Garcia was born in 1019 AD near by. He was a shy devout shepard boy who some point left to become a monk. He was humiliated later because he was expelled for not being a good student. He decided to become a hermit and lived in the forest there. This forest was infested with bandits who made a living attacking the pilgrims who were slowly making their way on the fledgling Camino. At this time they basically had to follow the setting sun to move westward. There was no clear path and they had to swim the many rivers and were easy prey.
Dominic had a dream telling him to serve God by doing something for the pilgrims and this unschooled simple man became the first engineer of the Camino. He cut down trees to make a trail and built a bridge across the Oja River. His projects were so big for one man that legend says that angels helped! More tomorrow, SJA, Phil.
Just When You Thought….
Yea, just when you thought that you had it all figured out and settled something comes along to rock your world. And this is one of those occasions. Are you ready? Today is National Fried Chicken Day! Yup. I am going to free you from one more meal with kale in it. OK, so get out there an enjoy it! Two of the Three Amigos are slated to attend huge fried chicken event hosted by Stephen and Anna this afternoon. All good. SJA, Phil.