A Glitch in Time

Good morning!  It is going to be an awesome day here today.  I am off to Swedish Hospital in a few minutes to start treatment which happens every two weeks.  Yup, have to gird the old loins.  Anyway, thought that I would take a minute to explain something quirky about this blog.  We covered this before but it was a while ago.  This is about the sequence of the posts that appear on this blog.  Much of this material is in the archives that you can access by going to the right side of the page and it will read June or July.  So, if you go to June you will find somewhere in there the post entitled “We’re on Shore”.  This was my very first post.  And the posts go on if you scroll down, “Day Two”, “Day Three”.  If you keep going you will come to the end and then you can continue by going back to “We’re on Shore” and scrolling upward and you will be going forward in time.  Then you go through July until you come to today.  The latest post always is at the top and appears first thing when you open the website.

This is just in case you are a real trooper and want to cover all this ground that I have covered in the last two months here.  Annie said my blogs are like potato chips and you just can’t eat or read one.  Thanks Annie.  By the nature a blog, which is nothing more than a journal but maybe more public,  moves forward and the author doesn’t want to explain everything again and again.  To get everything you have to know what happened yesterday and the day before and so forth.

I am mentioning this at this point because my oldest best buddy is recovering from surgery and he has the time to read this blog now hopefully.  God bless you Jim.  Or, Fernando, our cameraman for the Camino, and his buddy the soundman/producer, will need to find the “Proposed Timeline” on the blog.  God bless you guys and can’t wait to meet you.  Or maybe I am mentioning this to you because you have found something here that speaks to you, or entertains you or you’re just curious about things Camino.  God bless you everyone.  Didn’t Tiny Tim say that in “Scrooge”?

OK, off to Swedish Hospital to see my people.  Alice was gone last time on vacation.  Who in the heck gets vacations?  I’ll have to retrain her all over again.   Didn’t Yogi Berra say that?