If I Had a Hammer or Ten Things to Remember

Peter, Paul and Mary?  Yes, for sure.  But first I had this right brain flurry that we need to try and corral.  And we will get back to Peter, Paul and Mary, I think.  Who knows where this all will go, right?

1.  Sister Joyce loves peanut butter and jelly, a little known fact.

2.  Peanut butter and jelly is one of those great cosmic connections that we could ponder, if we had time, which we don’t.  We know that it works and that’s enough, right?

3.  Also include bricks and mortar, bow and arrow, skis and good snow, mortar and pestle, ham and eggs, green eggs and ham, lox and bagels, hammer and nails.

4.  What about Peter, Paul and Mary, one of the great folk groups of all time?  Well a little out of vogue now in this fast snarky world but we may tire of that fast also.  And what about the other Peter, Paul and Mary?  They have been in and out of vogue so many times that they know the drill, they wrote the handbook for the drill.

5.  Laural and Hardy, Cheech and Chong, Abbot and Costello, Siskal and Ebert, Romeo and Juliet, Timmy and Lassie, Roy and Trigger, Roy and Dale.

6.  Where am I going with this?  Don’t know exactly but I do know that when I am following the lighted path I can only see a few steps ahead and have to have faith that things will work out.  Keep moving.

7.  Sister Joyce says that everything is a two way street.  When I say to her that I get a lot out talking with her she says likewise (paraphrase).  She can use language like that because she is from Montana.  I love it!

8.  Everything to working towards good.  It may be three steps forward and two back (thank you Father Scott) but it is always going in the right direction.  God is a gathering force and the Devil is the opposite.  That is the reason for the herky jerky feel of things on this earth.  I think, my uneducated guess on this.

9.  I need you all.  And you need me.  Back to peanut butter and jelly.  We, they need each other to live out this play.  We may be annoying to one another on occasion but we need each other none the less.

10. Keep moving, wear your lucky shirt and don’t over think it!


2 thoughts on “If I Had a Hammer or Ten Things to Remember”

  1. Hi Phil. I enjoyed walking with you this glorious morning. I have been self-conscious now about saying yah-yah. I will substitute yes, yes. Oui-oui. I am very pleased to discover the benefit of using the walking sticks. Days like this my enthusiasm soars. I have discovered an enjoyable activity. The sticks really add something to the walking thing. Thank you Phil.

  2. And Praying for Hitler should be a book title. Three words that cause a perfect storm within my soul.

    Thank you for sharing your church experience with me. That is so awesome.

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