My sleepless meditations continue to bring forth fruit. I’m pretty ingrossed because I can’t seem to remember if our beloved Seahawks won that football game last night or not. I looked forward to it all week and now it’s been so easily eclipsed. Hmm. I must be thinking about something important, other than football that is.
My latest notion concerning my cancer seems to be, “Yea, so?” I think somehow, maybe randomly, that I have removed the importance of myself from the whole equation. In other words, if now I regard God as the main character here and my cancer as a sort of messenger from Him things become more focused. Yea, so I have cancer. My work continues, maybe it’s God’s work continuing. Yea, so I have cancer, so what?
This blends perfectly with with a blog post by a friend of ours, Terry Hershey, entitled Broken Things. Recently I signed up to get his weekly thoughts, Sabbath Moments, emailed to me and here was my first one this AM. Although Terry is way more elegant than I expressing himself I think that we are on the same page on this one. We are flying like Blue Angels next to each other, wingtips inches apart.
That image looks very tidy but that is the opposite of the idea really. The idea is that we make a mistake by continually looking for the tidy or by continually trying to tidy up. Some majorly important things, aren’t tidy, don’t tidy up and never will. But this is the exact location of God, apparent in the untidiness, and He is waiting for us to make sense of that.
Off for a morning walk. It frosted last night for the first time this fall. The water in Raven Creek is starting to run across the Camino. Changes happening, love unchanging, Felipe.
Changes happening. Love unchanging. Love that line.
Thanks for sharing your late night musings.
Let’s see. What kind of equation is this? Personally I still see you as part of the equation. You know the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts (God).
(Changes happening) + (Love unchanging) = Phil
Phil( + Cancer) x (love unchanging) = and is > Our Morning Walk.
I don’t know. Just playing around. I have a friend who makes paintings from mathematical equations.
Dana ~ fun with math! OK, sleepy time and off to Eastern WA. Nice walk today, love, Felipe.
Phil, Have a sweet time in Eastern WA. And stay dry if you can:). I was going to come walk this morning and then I remembered I have pneumonia! I hope next week.
The untidy piece. I will enjoy talking to you about THAT! Praying often for you, and against the cancer… Michelle
Michelle ~ yes, come walk please. Off to Eastern WA in moments. Get well, love, Felipe.