What’s New?

The snow drops are new!
(photo P Volker)

I know one thing that is new and that is Zoom. Last year at this time I barely heard of this thing. The same with you. Now it is everywhere and it will come out of this pandemic as a standard everyday thing.

In the next two months I have five Zoom conferences that I have been invited to and scheduled for. Two with cancer groups, one with a pilgrimage class and two with church groups. That’s great and it represents a lot of airline miles that I don’t have to rack up. And a lot of wear and tear saved on me and the environment.

So, those five are in the “Three C’s” of Cancer, Camino and Catholicism. We are still mainly bouncing around in those three categories here at Caminoheads. Well with some Corn thrown in occasionally.

algood, alperfect loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “What’s New?”

  1. Oh my, Phil you echo my thoughts about Zoom. I had used it haltingly a couple of times and now we are Zooming regularly. The fun Zooms have been the Camino groups. We’ve formed some dear Camino friendships this year even with the pandemic.

    1. Susan ~ hi. Hey, that’s great that you had Camino group Zooms. Getting together is good and learning to do it without the travel is also good we are learning. Keep us posted. Felipé.x

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