Well OK, Medjugorje Has Found It’s Way to Phil’s Camino



Within the Medjugorje mystery are the five visionaries, the young people that experienced the apparition of Mary outside a small town in ex- Yugoslavia.  The link between them and us was Loretta one of the pilgrims that made it here last week.  She brought  the book “My Heart Will Triumph” by Marjana Soldo, one of the visionaries.

We here seem a long way away from this happening.  And it is all relatively recent so between those two things we don’t seem to know much about it.  It seems sort of misty.  And I am on page 51 so there is a lot to go to get to the meat of it.  I guess I am telling you that we are going to talk about this in the future.

Just got my itinerary for the California trip this Friday.  A lot happening this weekend.  Have to pace yourself Felipe.  I will try to blog.

Now, I have a visitor in a few moments.  More doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs.  She’s a medical anthropologist.  I’d better shine my tie and press my shoes.  OK, have a good one, love, Felipe.


4 thoughts on “Well OK, Medjugorje Has Found It’s Way to Phil’s Camino”

  1. Phil,
    I am not sure I understand the whole Medjugorje experience, but being there I definitely felt I was on holy ground. And while I was there I could not get you or Rebecca out of my mind. So I began praying for you…praying continuously asking Our Lady to protect you.
    Thank you again to you and Rebecca for the blessings you bring to others. Our experience meeting you both will forever be in our hearts!

    1. Thank you Loretta ~ Yes, I’m not sure that I understand much myself. But we float along on prayer here, it is evident. Thank you for coming with your merry band and being with us. It is etched in the history here, Felip.x

  2. Phil,
    I feel like I have been floating ever since our visit. Thank you again for sharing your life with all of us. I feel so blessed.

    Member of Merry Band ?

    1. Terri ~ thanks so much for coming our way. Look at today blog, a little glitch developed.

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