Walking On

Some kind of wild sunrise happening beyond those trees.


Believe me when I say that I have absolutely no idea what I am going to write about today.  I feel kind of let down after the high of the holidays.  All of a sudden all this reality is showing up.  It doesn’t feel very fun really.

What comes to mind at the moment was something our son said once when we were in trouble.  “Well Dad, we will just have to think our way through it.”  OK, right, good man.  And by the way we did.

Don’t get overwhelmed is another thing that comes into play here.  Have to keep working the problem till you can get some wiggle room, till some daylight appears.  I guess that what I mean by the title of today’s post, “Walking On”.   A bad stretch of trail is just that a bad stretch.

I get a little unhinged when I have too many details flapping around unattended.  Once I corral then up into some semblance of order to actually see what I got I am better off.  That’s what I need to do this morning apparently.  There see, a plan emerges.

Sorry about not feeling like my usually cheery self today.  Just a little scattered maybe.  But I feel better with a plan.  Thanks you helped me.

Well OK, I think I will get moving.  There is some kind of crazy colorful sunrise happening out there.  Huh.  Love, Felipe.



8 thoughts on “Walking On”

  1. Your index cards are an inspiration to me, to “get organized” as you always say– don’t forget to use em!

    And I know exactly what you mean. As Red Green says, “I’m pullin for ya– we’re all in this together. Keep your stick on the ice!”

    Okay, probably too far from Camino-ie, but it’s all I got.

    1. Esteban ~ thanks, I needed some Red Green. I did make some progress on the organizational front today and that made me feel better. I had too many loose ends and they were all nagging at me. Back to the hospital tomorrow. Felipe.

    1. Jessika ~ hi. Hey, that was good tailgating on Sunday. I’m doing better. Felipe.x

  2. Amigo, Felipe,

    Plan your work. Then work your plan. You’re on the way, Marine. You’ve still got the marching pack on. Take a knee, take a breather, cinch up the helmet strap, and step out. You’re at the head of the column, so you don’t have the luxury of looking at the guys pack ahead of you. They’re all following you.


    1. PFJ ~ thanks for the pep talk Skipper. Back at the hospital today. The doc is introducing a new drug in my cocktail so we’ll see what happens. Probably a new set of side effects coming. Wish me luck, Felipe.

    1. Jessika ~ yea, glad we had that time to catch up on your doings. See you soon, Felipe.x

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