Walking Friday Morning

Yellow and red blossoms in the same pic, right outside our door.
Yellow and red blossoms in the same pic, right outside our door.

It’s going to be a bright morning here at the ranch. Cold though, approached freezing overnight. I have a little time before 0900 when I need to be out ready to walk. Sometimes people show up to “walk and talk” and sometimes it’s “just me”. I’ve gotten in the habit of writing that in the logbook when no one shows up but it is hardly just me.

I should find a better way of communicating that because it is not accurate really. What about the six bird feeders along the trail and all the songbirds and squirrels that attracts. Then there are Scout and Tia, the neighbor’s dogs that check in. Then bumping into members of the local deer herd happens. We have coyotes here and very occasionally black bears but I haven’t seen them, although that is a possibility.

And what about my inner Camino? What about the ever increasing population of saints that I learn about and get to know? I read a blog post last night by Reverend Bonnie Barnard about the Communion of Saints and maybe that is what is flavoring my mind. I just feel like my inner life is being populated by more and more very interesting and inspiring characters who have gone on before. My big brothers and sisters that I am getting to know and appreciate their stories. Ones that I have focused on recently are Francis and Clare of Assisi and Patrick and Brigid of Ireland. And good to know that Francis and Patrick have equally as interesting female counterparts. I’m learning.

Are we ever really alone? Thinking of you and how you are not alone, love, Felipe.