Twenty First Century Phil

Stay warm!

Here I am sitting on the ferry boat writing to you with my brand spanking new IPad. Just like that no muss no fuss. I could never do this in the past with my old setup but this new set up has wireless hookup. Man, too cool.

We wound up at the Verizon store and met Camino Angel Gigi who got me this new iPad mini and got me Henna’s old smart phone hooked up. She was a miracle worker. I am a new guy with my two new devices but beware probably slightly dangerous. Have a lot to figure out.

Well, here we are docking, will have to continue at home. OK, back to you from the red couch. We just had our Tuesday walk and now it is dark. Patti from the Institute stopped by along with her friend author Mary Oak. Mary wrote Heart’s Oratorio: One Woman’s Journey through Love, Death and Modern Medicine. Had a short but fruitful tapas session with them and My Rebecca.

Well, so happy to be here writing on a new machine. Her name is Gigi by the way, of course. I have to say that I had a tear in my eye when I gave up my trusty old IPad. But here I am with Gigi hammering out the blog just like old times.

So tomorrow, Terry Hershey with Sabbath Moment blog and friend Nancy will be here for dinner so the partying continues. Terry put in a request for venison so we are having pulled roast BBQ.

OK, time to get this out to you as it’s almost dinner time. It’s been a full long day. The best to you all.

new device loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Twenty First Century Phil”

  1. Congratulations on your new technology partners Felipe. Does this mean we will no longer need to identify ourselves when we send you a text because your new iPhone will tell you who we are?

    Please say hello to Terry for me and Aunt Charlotte. His retreat down her in So Cal last month was enlightening and profound. It will be my source of inspiration for my next guest blog post.

    Stay in the Sacrament of the Present Moment,


  2. Rho ~ At this moment I don’t know about how this whole new tech thing is going to shake out. I am grappling with it as we speak. Yes, Terry is coming tonight. I will remember to say hello for you guys. He is a regular subscriber to this blog, I’m so honored. OK, talk to you soon. Felipé.x

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