To Invent

About Dyslexie.

I was introduced to a new font this morning by a friend on FaceBook. It is called Dyslexie. It was designed by Christian Boer for his graduate project in graphic design. He has dyslexia and he developed this font and layout to help himself and others. So cool!

I think that I have a mild case of this problem. It bothers me somewhat but fortunately isn’t overwhelming. This is also exciting to me as I have always been fascinated by calligraphy, alphabets and printing. I have always wanted to do this very thing, create a new alphabet. And when I read material in this font it feels so good! Maybe like galloping your horse over a big beautiful expanse, it seems so free and easy.

Of course there are other things on my to do list like to write a hymn and invent a knot. I am quickly running out of time on these but the intention remains there. A while back I expressed my knot inventing desire to a friend and fellow sailor. His thought back to me was in order to have a new knot you have to have a need for it. It could be a new knot for a new need or a new knot for an old need but either way the need is needed.

And the need gives the intention some direction, it isn’t just an aimless desire anymore. I connected that to the alphabet today. There was a need and this guy jumped on it. There seems to be an abundance of things that are needed these days. What else could we jump on that would be worthwhile and creatively fun to do? What a combination!

Off to LA tomorrow. Time now to iron a shirt and pay some bills. Thanks for stopping by.

Always good loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “To Invent”

  1. Very profound advice from your sailor friend Phil. We have so much in our culture right now that we don’t need! It is cluttered. An intention attached to need is a beautiful thing by contrast.

    Blessings in your conversation in LA, michelle

    1. Michelle ~ yes, he was really talking about the economy of real life. We have to attend to needs first and foremost. We can’t just spend valuable time on things frivolous. Real life makes us pay attention to being economical with our dealings. My winter garden is up! Felipe.x

  2. hey, you & I were just talking about accessible fonts the other day, maybe this (or something similar) is our answer!!

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