Thomas Clark, Hundreds Of Them

Animating each other!


A friend gave me a couple of printed pages of thoughts on walking from Thomas Clark.  I wanted to know more about him so I Googled his name.  Well, there have been a lot of guys with that name that have done all sorts of amazing things.  Seems like I will need a private detective to figure out which one of those guys wrote that.  So maybe it doesn’t matter.

His thoughts are so timeless and without flourish.  It makes it hard to place them in a specific century even.  But whatever, they stand on their own.   So I thought that I would include one a day with the blog posts for our enjoyment.  Well how about one right now to start things out Felipe?

“Early one morning, any morning, we can set out, with the least possible baggage, and discover the world.”  TC

Well, I am going to run off today.  Way too many irons in the fire, as they say.  Happy Father’s Day to Dads out there.  Thanks for everything, love, Felipe.