This Is What I Would Call A Dog Day

What it looks like.
What it looks like.

Three o’clock in the afternoon and cookin. I might be tempted to go and see how hot it is but not today. Chemo fatigue is heavy on me too.

The good news is that I found a good book to read and that is about as athletic as I will get today. Catalina recommended it and I picked it up at the Paulist Book Store in San Francisco. The he title is Jesus, a Pilgrimage, part history, part travelogue, part personal discovery. Nice blend and lively enough to be a fun read. Catherine has it when I am done.

I am going to go and pick enough corn for dinner tonight, pretty exciting. The first of the three varieties is happening. I know Europeans generally don’t eat corn on the cob but Americans are bananas over it.

OK, that’s it for me, love you, Felipe.