This Is The Day…

Cherry blossoms over the tapas table at Phil's Camino..
Cherry blossoms over the tapas table at Phil’s Camino.


It all started out in the time around dawn.  I purposefully peered out the window and with a nasty attitude asked, “Ok, what are you throwing at me today?”  But much to my pleasant suprise the view was just full of beautiful cherry blossoms!   Took we totally off guard.  But yes, of course or in other words, “Felipe could you just relax and enjoy the ride?”

We are just up to our armpits in nature around here these days sometimes to an unwanted extent.   Catherine was telling me that last evening she was hearing strange noises outside and it was the raccoons trying to get into the bird feeder.  So, she scared them away and decided she had better check the security around the chicken coup.  On checking that out she discovered that the neighbors sheep had put the electric fence out of commission, leaving the chickens vulnerable.  Then on looking over toward the neighbor’s flock saw coyotes running around there.  Ah, ok, quick call to the neighbor.

Catherine is relating this to me and we drive to early Mass.  So, we are dodging birds and deer as I drive along, my turn to drive.  Even with my best efforts I wound up killing  a bird which is better than a deer I guess, a least better for my pickup.

Father Marc was talking about one of the psalms, ” This is the day that the Lord has made.  Be glad and rejoice in it.”  Yea, here we are!  Love, Felipe.