The Second Sunday In Advent Here At Caminoheads

Aunt Charlotte’s trees look like they are waiting.

Time is moving along here in the darkness and bleakness. Well, it isn’t quite that bad. Father David talked about how this was the period of waiting. And as in all periods of waiting time doesn’t seem to move fast enough for us.

But I’m happy for if waiting is what I should be doing then I can do that OK. Waiting for the solstice like men and women have for millennia, yes, I can do that also. Waiting for the baby Jesus birthday celebration like so many for two thousand years now, yes, sign me up.

Steve-O our CNWBC is supposed to show up here any minute. He s always accompanied by his faithful dog Rasmus. And they are supposed to spend the night so we will have time to catch up. He is now living in Northern Oregon and it is closer so we could be seeing more of them.

Steve always wants me to have something for him to do when he is here and I think that I will get him to help me with this IPad. It is gettin so bad, the screen distortion and interference, that I have nothing to loose really. I saw a UTube recently about how to fix this fairly common problem and I think that with help it is worth a try. I have used this device everyday for over 5 years so I guess it really doesn’t owe me anything. It has gotten Caminoheads blog this far, pretty amazing.

OK, Seahawks game this evening, Sunday Night Football. I have been thinking about the “Hawks” and have some thoughts on their successful methods. It is worth a blog soon.

Alright, wait on campers, tis the season.

seasonal loves, Felipé.

5 thoughts on “The Second Sunday In Advent Here At Caminoheads”

  1. Felipe,

    I love that you now just put Aunt Charlotte with her pictures now and not “Rho’s Aunt Charlotte”. I happily share my aunt with you and the blog readers! Can we make here the official Aunt Charlotte of the Caminoheads?

    I hope Steve-O can help with the iPad situation.

    Patiently waiting,

    1. Dear Patiently Waiting ~ Yes, perfect, we shall make her the official Aunt Charlotte of Caminoheads! Haha. Felipé.x

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