The First Of October

Snow on Sunflowers from William, Cochrane, Alberta, Canada.

Cris has Spring in Argentina, William has snow in Canada and we are somewhere in between. Time is cooking by and maybe the next Veranda isn’t so far away. This will have to be short today as there were lots of Comments to read and lots of emails to answer. Correspondence takes up more and more time.

Had a great letter from a man that brought his two small sons to the showing in Seattle. I see a father taking his little men very seriously. His letter was very thought provoking and and genuine. We have a great audience.

Last night we got the throughly enjoyable chance to have dinner with Terry Hershey and our longtime friend Nancy. Terry has a outstanding blog entitled Sabbath Moment. It comes out every Monday like clockwork. Check that out when you get a chance.

We had a frost last night, the first. The new wood stove is close to being hooked up but not quite. We have lots of beautiful maple firewood ready to go. Maybe by the weekend.

like clockwork loves, Felipé.