The First Dozen

Yea, the first dozen ears of Sugar Buns sweet corn was picked and consumed last evening. It was substantially under ripe but I was rushing it for our guests who are leaving today. But we enjoyed it despite that. Maybe it needs another week.

With all this celebration I want to acknowledge the tragedies that have blossomed over the last days. We will pray for all those families and pray for us. Our summer is marred. Togetherness is called for.

Here are a few pics from dinner last night which beside the corn featured pesto and green beans from My Rebecca’s garden:

Soaking the ears before going on the grill.
On a wood fire.
Freda and Osian, naked kids at the dinner table.
And more corn!
Watching an owl at dusk, Tesia and Freya.
Owl moon, high summer.

thankful loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “The First Dozen”

  1. All I can say is WOW! Corn and owl moon. Beautiful daughter and granddaughter.
    Pretty special.

    1. Dana ~ lot of daughter stuff going on for you too. But corn yea, should give it another week, we rushed it. But soon. We are going to have a major salon tomorrow. Hope you can make it. Felip.x

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