Thanks Harry

Patty, one of my other Vashon buddies sporting her purple wig.
Patty, one of my other Vashon buddies sporting her purple wig.

Catherine and I were out tailgating at the supermarket parking lot after Mass today. Harry, one of my playmates at the hospital joined us. He spends some of his time on Vashon so we run into each other. So, amongst other things he gave us a great new definition of Vashon. Check this out. Vashon Island – thirty five square miles surrounded by reality. Hehe.

That’s us thank God, surrounded by reality, surviving very nicely, thank you very much. So, we have out of town visitors today. Nancy from Kansas City and maybe friends will be here to walk and tapa and meet us. I think the story is that she made it to the Gathering in St Louis this summer and saw Phil’s Camino. The sun is coming out now for the beginning of a great looking day for her visit.

Fall is here I guess, gal next door got the first deer of the season yesterday. I inherited the liver, lots of iron for my body, breakfast of champions. Thanks Meg!

Well, that all the news I have for you today. Hope that things go swimmingly for you today. Happy Sunday, love, Felipe.