
Back to TGIF us!
Back to TGIF us!


Here are some great thoughts by our Cherry who I flagged down last minute to do a TGIF.  Let me apologize for being so disorganized.  But with lightning speed Cherry came to my rescue and in the process I came to her rescue as you will read.  It is amazing how we Caminoheads are still experiencing a certain synchronicity, yes?


I’m generally a positive happy person but lately I’ve been a bit down. There’s nothing I have to complain about in my life. And there’s nothing really that’s making me unhappy. I’ve been travelling for 9 months now, not worked a proper job for 10 months and have not had to worry about money either. I’m currently in Scotland being spoilt by my Scottish step brother and his loving family. But still I’ve been a bit down lately.

When Phil asked me to write something for Camino Heads I was a little reluctant. My own personal journal and travel blog hasn’t been touched for a couple of weeks. I haven’t wanted to write much because I’ve not been feeling my usual positive happy self.
So this morning I’ve been pondering on this, my unhappiness and lack of writing. It made me realise that these 2 things where connected. When I’m writing, I’m at my happiest. And the very reason for not writing was because I’m unhappy. This is the vicious cycle of depression.

And today I’m breaking that cycle. I’m going to force myself to write. Attempt some creativity as I don’t want to feel down any more.
Cherry’s insight for today: don’t stop doing the things that give you pleasure when you’re feeling down. Force yourself to do it, although it may seem too hard at first. Be patient yet persistent with yourself and you might just put that smile back on your face.

So thank you Phil for bringing me out. And thank you Scotland for putting on the snow for this winter deprived Aussie. Now I’m off sledding down the hill. And later, I’m back to writing my award winning novel of course.

Cherry with much love in Scotland