Sunny Day

(photo from J Conway)

Pilgrim Farmer John sent that gorgeous pic of his corn with the height of 4 foot 7 inches! And with the Phil’s Camino shirt on, John not the corn. Unfortunately shortly after this shot a wind knocked a lot of it over. He is confident that with some help it can be salvaged. Always something. Jim and I were out weeding this morning and joking about, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” We learned that in school but we changed it to, “Nature abhors a dull moment.”

Me, I’ve had too much impute today. Then it is hard to unscramble the brain and write anything coherent. Maybe in it’s own rite it is a good thing. I am not lacking in this department anyway.

With the corn here we have some plants that are one foot high and happy with that. We are no where near Iowa standards. But this is Washington on the northern limits of this crop. We are borderline as usual.

I had a great father/son talk with Wiley this morning. We brought each other up to speed on our views and feelings. This is a hard time in some ways for him to watch all this. I’m happy with our conversation and our plans.

And Ron our Bureau Chief for Spain had a wonderful post yesterday. He can bring it! And then today Ryck our Bureau Chief for the Eastcoast sent in a another great item that I think I will post this Friday. Our Bureau Chiefs abhor a dull moment, yes?

corn agrowing loves, Felipé.

8 thoughts on “Sunny Day”

  1. Dear Phil,

    This is a lovely post! We love to hear about the life in the ranch, and lots seems to be going on!
    And what a heartfelt thing to read Wiley and you had a conversation… While we tend to say that “a gesture is worth a thousand words”, we also know that “at the beginning there was a word”… it does seem that we have “to say things” to make them our own…

    I love you!

    1. Cris ~ yes, I was waiting for the right moment to talk with Wiley. It was a good thing, getting on the same page about important things. ranch loads of loves, Felipé.x

  2. And definitely, your Caminoheads Bureau Chiefs are ramping up on productivity!!! We could call it our “summer produce”… it is a feeling that started with Kelly sharing his tomato plants in yogurth pots!!!

    Shameless BC’s Love!!!!

    1. Cris ~ wow, OK! “Summer produce”! I see you are cracking the whip! Miss you, Felipé.x

  3. Phil,e
    I am so glad you and Wiley could catch up on the very real life and love. I know it is hard to think of him being in the front seat so to speak but I also know how often you consider the fine man he has become, which also comes from being in the front seat! Our joys and sorrows are so intermingled…

    1. Michelle ~ it’s a long road that we walk with our kids. And not always easy but rewarding in the end. Wiley is so helpful now with my waning strength and ability. So glad he is here. Thanks, Felipé.x

  4. Phil, A perfect day, on Fathers Day, to have a heartfelt talk with your son. You two share such a precious relationship–hunting together, and running the ranch, and just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company. He is a fine young man because of you. Happy Father’s Day, Phil! Looking forward to eating that corn in August. Maybe PFJ could bring a few extra ears to share!
    Henriette Anne xo

    1. Henriette ~ It was a wonderful Father’s Day here. Picnic at the beach! Felipé.x

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