
Tomato Time!

Henriette was here yesterday for the afternoon walk and tapas. There was a nice break in the rain for us on the trail. And she brought treats from the big city for us out here at the ranch. The big deal was the stroopwaffel experience. I don’t even want to try and describe it. You will have to have your own when the time is right.

We watched Country Music with Ken Burns again last evening. I think that we are up to 1953 and the death of Hank Williams, the Hillbilly Shakespeare. It is an amazing documentary, well worth your time. It’s a Ken Burns, what more do you need to know.

Trying to get used to life after the Veranda. That’s what it is, I/we are having a little case of Camino reentry lately. That’s it exactly. How to reformulate after the big experience. Why did that take me so long to realize. Now I understand.

It’s our anniversary and My Rebecca’s birthday next week. We are treating ourselves to a weekend away to the Port Townsend Film Festival. Jane Julian, Doug Blush and Annie O’Neil will be there too. We had a blast there in 2015.

OK, that’s the news for today, a Wednesday in mid September. And William CCBC has sent in his post for Friday. Talk to you tomorrow.

had a blast loves, Felipé.

7 thoughts on “Stroopwaffeled”

  1. Stroopwaffled! That’s classic. I’m happy to introduce anyone to the ritual anytime. I’ll bring the Stroopwafles.
    I know what you mean about coming down from the Veranda–it’s a postpartum depression. I like the fact that you haven’t gone anywhere in your log book since, just wandering for days around Santiago. Shell-shocked, really. You set a goal–to gather people together at the Veranda–and achieved it. Hard to soak it all in. Friggin’ pilgrims–they (we) know what to do. They’re pilgrims!
    Happy Anniversary to you and Rebecca, and Happy Birthday to Rebecca. A trip to Port Townsend says like a lovely way to celebrate. Love to you both. xo

    1. Dear Henriette,

      Totally unrelated to the stroopwaffled, although I am curious… may I ask you a favor? You took note of my email, could you tell your daughter to email me? May have something useful for her friend she told me about. I didn’t take note of her mail and have texted her but not sure she got my message.

      Many hugs

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