Scan Results

The hospital.
The hospital.

It’s ironic I guess, that I am so tired from the anxiety to celebrate a very good scan result. Things have had slight growth and it means that the cancer is basically on hold for the time being and treatment remains the same. So, yea, how about that? Have to rest. Hello from Our Jennifer who remains my trusted Cancer Companera. Alperfect really, will try and say more tomorrow, love you, Don Felipe.

9 thoughts on “Scan Results”

  1. Yeah. How about That! Thanks for your post, kept you in my thoughts and prayers all day. Time for a canoe adventure – soon?

  2. Fabulous news on the scan results, Felipe and not to worry about the celebrating part – “PFJ John’s” Angela and I have got that covered and will raise a glass to you tonight in Toulouse, France, our Camino start. We will also begin our Camino on Saturday with Friday evening mass so you are covered there too. So all you’ve got to do is bask in the glory of a good scan and prayers going up for you all over the map. BTW, I’ve experienced PFJ John’s, St. Joseph’s and it is a small but mighty parish. Nothing short of awesome.

    Enjoy this #tbt in the wonder & magic of your Camino.

    Somewhere between Paris and Toulouse…
    – Jennifer xo

    1. JenniferXO ~ my buddy once had a truck named “TooLoose” but I digress. Fantastic news from you and Angela, amazing world wide news is appearing in my comments.

      Ah, and yes, thank you pilgrims immensely for your prayers. The prayers from far away seem to possess more power like they are snowballs rolling down hill to get to me. You may have to explain that to Angela. No, but so important, no jokes, to be prayed for, prayed over. And I will pray for you guys that your feet and legs will hold out, that you will meet extraordinary companeros, that you will catch glimpses of the Christ and Santiago and that you will bring back backpacks full of insights for us.

      Thanks again, our hearts are moved here at Caminoheads, September loves to you and Angela, FelipeXO.

          1. JXO ~ OK, got it, Angela X. Good callsign. I need some more sleep here. Enough of this at 0511 local time, bye F.

  3. Buenas Dias Amigo! Hope you’re now rested and able to process the gratitude of a good scan. Anxiety is a heavy load. Whole volumes written about the toll it takes on us. A genre all by itself as in Anxiety Dreams. About these future plans God has for you: “My” Jennifer has a Seattle friend who is in the early, awful, dreadful, uncertain days of his Cancer War. A young (45) former Navy guy who we both think could benefit from being a fellow Cancer Commando. You and our compadre, Ol’ Santiago, our beloved St. James himself, have been tasked with spreading the Good News. Santiago ended up in Spain, you’ll do fine spreading it around on Vashon Island. If you’re open to it, I will ask Jennifer to ask Shannon if he’d like to join this elite team of Warriors. Your call, Marine.


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