We’re Running on Miracles

That’s what Ivette says about things.  And what things are those?  Well, it is time to let this cat out of the bag.  There is a movement afoot to create a documentary film of my journey to Spain and the walking the Camino there.  This all started with the idea that the success of my rehab after cancer treatment is noteworthy and would be helpful to inspire the countless cancer patients out in the world who could use some better training along with their treatment.

The ability for me to even think about this journey is wholly a gift to me.  A big part of that gift is the training and counseling that I have received at Swedish Hospital.  Another big part is all the support that I have gotten from family, friends, church including the Archdiocese of Seattle.  And finally the opportunity that the Camino de Santiago has given me to participate in something that is meaningful, significant and doable for me.

We are terribly last minute with this film idea and we are looking for a miracle to have this happen.  And as Annie has told me more than once, we have already had miracles and we need to continue to expect the good.   I have a team of people on the East Coast and West that are using all their creativity to bring this together.  This is totally shoestring but not outside the box.  Possibly we will be able to just capture the raw footage initially.  There is much more to the process but maybe it is one thing at a time.  People in general are inspired by my story and this will carry the film forward to it’s conclusion even if it is just one step at a time (sounds like a Camino to me).

Today, after training, I am opening an account at US Bank that will be able to accept donations to help fund this process.  I will give you more information on that soon as I know it.  This kind of thing doesn’t happen without a certain amount of money.  Enthusiasm, smarts and creativity will only carry us so far.  If you have any ideas about finances let me know, sooner rather than later.  And pray for us.  St. James is Afoot, Phil.