Roan, Dog Of The North

Another shot of Rowan of the North on Phil's Camino.
Another shot of Rowan of the North on Phil’s Camino.

Been dog sitting Roan for two weeks now. To tell you the truth he is wearing me out. In my mind I am looking forward to Cynthia being back at the end of the week to take over. But you know I will probably miss him then.

Super Bowl later today and it will be fun because we don’t have anyone close to our hearts in it. And we here in Seattle are still feeling beat up from last year so it will be good to just watch without high drama. I think it kind of boils down to the new hot shots in Cam Newton and the North Carolina Panthers vs the old school Peyton Manning leading the Denver Broncos. So, we are making the traditional hot Buffalo chicken wings and a few folks are coming over maybe.

But back to Roan, who by the way is pleasantly napping after two laps around the Camino. This seems to be the deal, two speeds or modes, sleeping and walking. The inbetween stuff gets confusing for him and for me. It would be nice if he had a tapa mode, something a little loungey.

But it has been really nice having his company because all my regular Camino walkers seem to have figured out how to scam a trip to somewhere warm and sunny. It has been pretty much Roan and I on the trail. So, I have time to observe him as he walks in front of me. He seems to be playing the role of flusher, one who gets the birds up in the air, being out ahead. Some dogs are more retrievers and hang around your feet waiting for the sound of the gun to get to work.

But Roan is always looking ahead and maybe planning ahead. Coming up to a new vista on the trail he will spend some time scoping it out and not just barge into it. Is he worried about the possibility of a Saber-toothed Tiger or just trying to get a jump on a possible flock of cheeseburgers? Who knows but fun to contemplate.

I know Cynthia will have fun reading this down in Mexico. And Dana y Catherine as well in Hawaii. Here is a seaweed heart from them to us here at Caminoheads:

A lovely Warmheart sent in by Dana y Catherine from some island in the vast Pacific.
A lovely Warmheart sent in by Dana y Catherine from some island in the vast Pacific.

Well off to the rest of Sunday. Love you whatever team you are on, Felipe.