(photo W Hayes)
It’s like living in a cloud, this fog. I suppose it is good for the complexion, how could a wrinkle survive? It is moist out to the nth degree. Visibility sort of comes and goes on a whim. Driving is hazardous. Your car could get wrinkles pretty easily.
So, we walk and say our rosary here in a minute. It will be eerie and mysterious like the Holy Spirit is. We will be walking inside the Holy Spirit and we will produce a glow which will be mysterious. We could become part of the mystery, hopefully.
I have to go and gear up, it’s time.
be where you are loves, Felipé.
Are those ponies wild or do farmers own them? Speaking about the Holy Spirit I was recently debating such matters with a clergyman friend of mine.in fact we where reflecting on the fairy modern belief of Deism although when you look into such things you generally find that they are new names for old ideas.Deism is the idea that God made the universe and then in effect left it alone to run itself and doesn’t interfer….bit like the Prime Directive in Star Trek where they don’t interfer with primitive civilizations that Capt Kirk, Spock and their hapless shipmates stumble across.as I understand the Holy Spirit it is an aspect of God functional in the world but part of God not a mechanism by which God operates by, One in Three? because most Christianity, except some Orthodox Churches which have a thing known as Palamate Panentheism, believe that God made the universe out of nothing rather than enamated from God’s own nature a bridge must be formed between God and the world obviously Jesus is one and the Holy Spirit although in the Old Testament God puts in quite a few personal appearances but I don’t think any in the New Testament that I can think of except via the medium of Jesus.with Deism there’s no bridge between God and Man so interestingly it doesn’t deny God but says that God doesn’t seem interested in us which sort of begs the question to ask a Deist;why bother to make the universe to begin with!? Palamate Panentheism is a form of weak Panentheism and holds that God made the universe out of part of God’s nature but not God’s essence or mind and is fairly common in the Eastern Church but rejected by Protestants and Catholics alike,it effectively denies the out of nothing creation.rather different from strong Panentheism whereby God flows into Creation and becomes Creation but still exists in a realm outside however they are both God very similar to Pantheism and thus regarded as heretical.in stong Panentheism God would be looking back at you through the eyes of those ponies and vice versa.these Pantheistic and Panentheist beliefs are very ancient predating their names and probably arise out of Animism I therefore guess that they must go back to Paleolithic times.
Kevan ~ those ponies were photographed along the Camino in Spain. Bet they are owned by someone. There are cows and sheep that graze and are moved around by their owners. I wish I could engage you in your religious/historical realm but I am just a guy walking in the fog. How are you on cave art? Felipé.
I have never seen any real Paleolithic cave art just pictures but there’s some around the Pyrenees in the limestone caves.we get ‘cup and ring’marked rocks up here but they are much, relatively!,more recent than Paleolithic art belonging to the Neolithic period and are ‘only’about 6000 years old! nobody knows what they represent some say star patterns what we now call constellations others spirit beings.i’d go with spirit beings seen in trance states as they are very similar to Australian aboriginal pictures of spirit beings sort of geometric patterns.not to say that I actually believe that they are spirits but are the product of trance states: source unknown.in fact I saw a cup and ring stone in York this year but it had been moved from it’s original position and is believed to have come from a barrow near the village of Robin Hood’s Bay in Victorian times.
Kevan ~ that stuff is so fascinating to me. What is the meaning of “barrow”? I will have to look up a pic of the cup and ring stone. Thank you, Felipé.
A barrow is a passage tomb.sort of a stone box covered with earth.in some cases the earth has eroded away over thousands of years leaving just the stones the Welsh call these cromlechs.most of these barrows are round but some are long and the long barrows tend to be older dating back to the early Neolithic period sort of 8000 to 7000 years ago .the bones found in the long barrows tend to be bits of people and not whole suggesting rituals involving the bones but no one really knows.
Kevan ~ ah, passage tombs. We went in one in Ireland. I forget what the name of it was. There were a lot of spirals carved into the rocks. Felipé.
Sounds like Newgrange which is near Drogheda to the north of Dublin.the tomb is said to be aligned with the mid winter sunrise and it shines into the tomb (provided it’s not cloudy!). there’s a similar one in the Scottish Orkney archipelago,Maes Howe with the same alignment.i don’t know if the ancients intended this or it’s coincidence?hard to see over 6000 years how the alignment could be maintained since the Earth is being pulled,ever so slightly by other celestial objects than just the Sun and Moon.Mars,Venus and Jupiter must cause small alternations?
Kevan ~ right, I asked My Rebecca and she said Newgrange. It all lines up on my birthday Kevan, December 21st. Felipé.