Pilgrim Farmer John Out Of Iowa

The cover of Northwest Catholic Magazine from March 2015.

Where it all began for Pilgrim Farmer John and Pilgrim Felipe. Time flies so fast it’s worth the effort to revisit the “beginnings” of our most relished relationships. This Northwest Catholic Magazine cover of March, 2015 happened to be left in the waiting room of a hospital in Seattle when my life long friend, Tory, was visiting there. I had completed my Camino in 2013 and Tory was very much interested in the Camino story as she had plans for doing a portion of it also to celebrate her 70th birthday. So she found a copy of the magazine to send to me with Phil’s story in it. Yeah, I was pulled into the Phil vortex immediately, and why not? Such a story, such an experience, such an inspiration! I wanted to know this guy. And thus it began, with a (relatively) short intro from PFJ, the email that spawned a cascade of correspondence and the opening of the gates to all those who feel the same way I do about this guy. And what a ride it has been!

I, for one, would be interested in reading how all of you have been introduced into the ripples of the influence of this natural Pied Piper. What, or who, was the connector that got you pinging along with his natural cadence? We have all been inundated with the information of how this Pandemic has “connected” us all. I think this examination of how we have all come together, how each of our lives have become interconnected, is a nice mental antidote to that awfulness.

We are into Advent now, with the slow dawning of realization that our Christmas is going to be impacted as surely as all the other Holidays of 2020. Confirmation has been sent out that our much loved local Parish Cluster of three neighboring churches, all shepherded by our Beloved Fr. Bill (A Camino veteran himself!) will not be having in-church services for Christmas. Iowa has surpassed our peak in Covid cases from this spring even, and our Diocese has mandated on-line services only. It was a heartache to have this situation for Holy Week and Easter, and now for the emotional highlight of the year to fall under the same pall of pestilence is hard to bear. We are making plans to ensure that all the Grands feel more joy than sadness, and still do all we can to keep them all safe. I’m not sure how many days walk it was for Joseph and Mary and the donkey to get to Bethlehem, but the conditions of the time would have surely been stressful for them as well. And look how that all turned out. 😇

I’ve used up my word limit!

Advent Calendar #4:

Today reflect: where do you feel as a small fish in a big pond? Which are all the ways you can still grow and where do you find courage? Can you plan to do something that boosts your courage in your week?

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. Victor Hugo.

Thanks everyone, Felipé.

11 thoughts on “Pilgrim Farmer John Out Of Iowa”

  1. Pilgrim Farmer John,
    What an interesting question. How did this Pied Piper come into our lives? I too first learned of Phil from the NW Catholic Magazine in March 2015. I was drawn to his story. Later that year, I went on my own Camino with my daughter Katherine. Soon after I returned, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I am an author, and everything in life for me is grist for the writer’s mill. I started to write a book, Cancer and the Camino: What I Learned Walking the Camino de Santiago That Helped Me Deal with Cancer. I was interviewing a lot of people, but the book was not going anywhere. Then I went on a spiritual retreat. We did a visualization exercise while facing another person who was praying for you. It felt awkward at first, but then became one of those transcendent moments where you feel the Divine speaking to you. Loud and clear, the voice inside me said, “Go see Phil in Vashon, that guy from the NW Catholic Magazine.” I was afraid to reach out to him, I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I knew my life would change in meeting him. At first, I thought he was just another person to interview for my book. Now he is an integral part of the book. Knowing Phil—and his neighborhood—has made me a deeper, more thoughtful, more spiritual person. He is so much part of my life, that I can almost not remember a time not knowing him.

    1. Dear Henriette Anne,

      For starters, I love that you identify with both of your given names. 🙂 I have (had, some now deceased) 82 first cousins, 51 from the Conway side of the family. My father was one of 12, and my Mom, one of six. It was a time of fairly limited name choices, thus most of us were referred to within the larger family by our first two Baptismal names. I am Johnny Ray, which kept me from answering up when John Francis, or John Joe had actually been hailed. 🙂 My sisters are Karen Ann and Susan Marie, my brothers MIchael David and Chris Eugene.

      Secondly, I love your Story!! I don’t know how I haven’t known it already, especially since the beginning of it stems from the same seed that my story did. It does seem counterintuitive that you would “fear” contacting him. As soon as I looked at the face on the front of NW Catholic, I felt an overwhelming urge to talk to this man, to hear his voice, to become his friend. I’m so glad that your Spiritual Retreat gave you the strength to make the contact. I’ll bet there was no second-guessing on your part afterward!

      And now, I’m so eager to see how your book comes along! What “stage” do you say you are at now with it? Or is it already in print, and in my ignorance I don’t know about it???

      Thank you for your comment. Hoping and praying 2021 sees the end to Covid and Veranda 2.0 can come to fruition.


  2. Hi Phil and Friends,

    We first heard about “Phil’s Camino” through a couple of Zoom meetings–the Camino Cafe group led by Leigh and Corrie, and the meetings that Annie has hosted. So, as we love all things Camino, we ordered the movie and were so deeply touched by your story!

    But in addition, we are Becky’s parents! (see blog from Nov. 19 and 20). How excited we were to hear that she had met you! We are still in awe of your early morning meeting as you both headed to clinic appointments. What an example of Camino magic!

    We hope to keep in touch through your blog and maybe we will have a chance to walk with you someday. And you are in our prayers!

    Sincerely, Susan Thomas and Curt Kochner from Montana

    1. Oh Susan, so glad that you are checking in. I have come to believe that “Camino magic” is how things are supposed to be and in fact are. It is so ironic that I met Becky at that particular door. And that I in fact held it open for her. And that I held it in such a way that my back was toward her because distancing. And that I had my daypack on with my Phil’s Camino patch that she couldn’t miss as she went behind me. It’s crazy cool! Hello to Curt. FelipĂ©.x

  3. My connection to this lovely man was through Sherrie of San Diego. Sherrie and I met each other in Burgos in October 2013, made an instant connection, and ended up walking together for some time. Fortunately, we both live on the west coast so our friendship continues to deepen and we see each other from time to time.

    We were in a restaurant in Tacoma one afternoon and she excitedly told me about this guy, Phil, and his Camino. She couldn’t get the words out fast enough! The creation of his very own Camino on his property because cancer was preventing him from going to Spain, and then his eventual journey on the Camino de Santiago. “We’ve just got to go to Vashon to meet him!” I finally got to meet Phil at a film festival in Port Townsend where Phil’s Camino was featured, and have visited him at Raven Ranch, walking his Camino, and visiting with his lovely wife, Rebecca. Phil’s writings continually inspire me, teach me, and are just so comfortable and comforting.

    1. Hi Joy!

      These are wonderful stories! When Phil’s book biography comes out, they will be perfect introductions to the reading world!

      And isn’t it amazing how the relationships we make over such a relatively short time on the Camino are so powerful and empowering? My Camino was over seven years ago now, and nearly a dozen of the people I walked with then are still close to my heart and are frequent visitors to my FaceBook pages. Buen Camino!!


  4. Dear Pilgrim Farmer John,

    How nice that you opened up this question! I knew you had met the boss through the magazine but I thought you were later introduced by the film and not emails. Lovely!

    I walked the Camino 2 times; in 2011 I walked from Leon to Santiago; and then in 2014, I took a leave at work for 8 weeks and walked from St. Jean to Santiago. I opened my facebook account in 2011 to keep the Camino connections only; and in 2014, my facebook connections enlarged! So, one day, scrolling facebook and checking what my pilgrims friends were up to, I came across the trailer from Phil’s Camino in a post from Peta, an Australian nurse I met. But for some reason, I did not pay too much attention. Years later, in 2017, she seems to have posted it again, I watched the trailer, I went to the website, clicked in “blog” and landed in Caminoheads… And to my surprise, there was a post from that very same day… but the first post I read was signed by “Felipe”… I must confess that I was not expecting to find that “Phil” was alive, so I thought Felipe was someone else talking about Phil, but this idea lasted minutes only, as the next post was signed by Phil… and as you can imagine, I couldn’t help but commenting in his blog…

    The next thing was Phil’s reply, and an email too, asking me if I knew the Pope… I replied: “Actually, I do.” And a couple days after, Phil and I were having our first skype call and when I blinked, I was under his wing! (as I continue to be!)

    That was early 2017, and by October, I went to Chicago to a work meeting, and I jumped in a flight to Seattle and had Phil waiting for me in Tacoma airport… And I blinked again, and I was enmeshed in this amazing Camino family… (and got under the wings of PFJ too!)

    And to you, Christmas will still be Christmas… maybe it is a real opportunity to experience how it was for Joseph and Mary to be by themselves at Christmas (clearly, they didn’t know that…)… and as you said, look what happened!

    Love you!

    1. Dearest Cris,

      If you could only see the child-like grin on my entire face as I read your posts! Your heart, mind, soul, and fingers are a single unit when you write. Such a gift to all. You are an exceptional woman to have two (at least!) old men so unabashedly in love with you. I’m sure Phil would agree, To have you “under our wings” is a joy and privilege. Thanks for being such a star in our universe.


  5. Legally I’m not supposed to say how I know Phil. (He can tell). My personal life has created a deep interest in stories. Each of our stories including my own. Phil was willing to talk, interact and share his story. The daily, weekly, twists and turns including the hopes, wishes and dreams mattered to me. Once I get interested in anyones stories I want to know the updates. I met Phil before he walked the Camino de Santiago and while he had begun walking at home. Each update, post and report I treasure. I didn’t begin reading the blog faithfully until I moved from Seattle to Arizona and could no longer get periodic verbal updates.
    Phil’s Tapestry threads have been woven into mine and I’m no longer close by to see the picture, the colors, the new threads woven and reflected on. Here on this blog I get the opportunity to keep the big picture in my view. To be blessed and honored, to cheer and cry, to laugh and shake my head….. by Phil’s story. Thank you for giving us the glimpses you share.

  6. After walking the Camino, my friends and I had heard about a showing of “Phil’s Camino” at church. It was scheduled for the morning which none of us could attend. I had asked if they could have a second showing in the evening. The hall was full! The movie was inspirational! We took Phil at his word when he said, “Come walk with me.” The 5 of us bought our plane tickets and were in Vashon that July. We spent a few days with Phil and were so taken back by his beautiful hospitality. We all came home better people for having meant this wonderful man. That was a few years ago and yet it seems like it was yesterday. On the Camino I saw a sign that said,”If the Apostles came back, would they recognize their work?” I think they would in this beautiful man who invites people into his life and graces them with God’ love.

  7. I was introduced to Phil by a new friend in a new trekking group of local women I joined in 2019 – Jackie Proteau. I had already seen the shorter film (loved it!) having walked a few Caminos and liking all memoirs and generally All Things Camino! I was thrilled when Jackie told me about the Veranda and ensured me that Phil wouldn’t mind if I went, too. Jackie also has cancer and also did the last 100K of the CF in spite of not knowing which days would be good and which not. She ended up not being able to go and so I went with hubby instead (we live east beyond Seattle in Kirkland). We went to the little Vashon theater and watched Phil’s extended version movie, met some folks and headed over. I guess that Sunday after a few days of verandaering had others lingering in town. We met only 6 others at the Ranch, luckily we briefly heard the band, walked Phil’s Camino and 1 of those 6 we happened to cross paths with was Phil!! (Side note, when my family moved from Minnesota in 1968, we lived on Vashon for our first 3 months with relatives. I still have two cousins who liver over there!) I have mostly continued to get to know Phil through his blog and FB and our shared love for the Seahawks and baseball! I keep threatening to come over and walk again but have yet to make good on that…

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