Over The Hump


Lovely composition by Rho here at Phil’s Camino.

Seems like I am out of the tall grass, out of the bad side effects, with this particular chemo cycle that I am in.  So happy!  Man, this last three months has been hard but it looks like we are making progress to find a way to coexist with this particular chemical treatment.  This last cycle was way easier on me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So, I can’t just put out one good reason why this progress is occurring but so many of you have supported me and contributed.  Doctor Gold our dear Nugget played with the treatment to make it more tolerable.  Catherine gave me a wonderful cranial sacral treatment that was extra special.  Sui and family were praying up a storm for my benefit.    My four grade class continues to pray for Mr Phil at 0815 each and every school day.  I ‘m getting high voltage these days.  Thank you, gracias, thank you!

God continues to keep me alive for his own reasons.  We are all participating in this project obviously.  And we continue to blow on our little flame the Camino spirit.  It is such a deserving entity.  We are obviously in love with it and we continue to be.  That is the story here early on a Monday morning in the Holy Week of 2018.  Easter awaits at the end of the trail.

Walking in a moment.  Where are my boots?  Where is the logbook?  Gray gray skies with lots of rain and snow in the territory surrounding Puget Sound but dry here so far.  Thank you loves, Felipe.