Our Song

My Rebecca's flowers.
My Rebecca’s flowers.

Monday morning and Terry Hershey’s Sabbath Moment blog comes in to me. I so enjoy this blog in general but today’s really grabbed me. It was about finding and holding on to our personal song, the “DNA” of our personal uniqueness. Of all the billions of inhabitants of earth, past, present and future what makes me and you totally unique?

And beyond finding this how do we sing this song? How do we get beyond our own and society’s and culture’s blocks to do this? What is our personal pathway?

That was the blog post in general but there were also little gems imbedded in the text for me. I am quickly running out of time here this morning as I have to walk in a moment. So, maybe we will continue tomorrow on this theme. In the meantime I would highly recommend that you sign up for Sabbath Moment blog. Just Google that.

Alright, the sky is bluing up here, in between rains. Alperfect, St James is Afoot, love, Felipe.