Old Trucks And Comets And Such


A beautiful sunny Sunday morn happening. It looks like something out of Spain happening out there. I got the corn fertilized and watered heavily yesterday so maybe with the help of St James things will happen out there height wise.

Henna our beautiful and charming daughter-in-law has a Dad who lives locally and his name is Jim. Henna uses “Jim” as a verb. “Yea, he came by and Jim-ed it”. In other words he was here and fixed it. But not only fixed it but did it with a minimum of swear words and in record time! Well, I drove my bucket of bolts old truck over to his place yesterday to see if he had the “special” tool for this one deal that I had been wresting with for a day and a half. Of course he Jim-ed it without the stinking “special” tool in fifteen minutes. You see, well worth two six packs but he makes me feel like such a rookie!

And comet, yes? That was a car once, wasn’t it, a Mercury Comet? Anyway, I think I saw the darn thing. I’m still pissed about Kohotek (sp?) Which was a comet or supposed comet back in the 70’s, the 1970’s, that we all stayed up all night to see it and it never happened or we don’t remember. Anyway, I think that I saw the one last night. There is this strange visual phenomenon that I remember from Sea Scout days. Well, I wasn’t really one but loved the manual. Anyway, sometimes on faint objects you have to look at the space next to it and then you see it. Weird!

And yesterday I never made it through the hurtles and wickets to get to the QandA on Zoom that I was supposed to be at. But I was able to watch and listen to the recording. It looked so fantastic with old and new friends there. We will try and do it again l hope. But I learned a new fact that beside Cris translating the documentary into Spanish a woman named Sue is working on a Korean version! This is so exciting!

Off I go, Catherine coming. We are going to St John Vianney’s to take Communion at 10, we have an appointment.

miscellaneous loves, Felipé.