My Dream 6-14-21

photo R Angert

My dream, it was several mornings ago actually but it has been brewing in my memory since. I am so lucky to be getting these messages at this time, they have gotten to be a major part of my inspiration. This seems to put me closer to some new stage in my life.

Just a prelude to my dream I have always interpreted the symbolism of a house, building or facility to be one’s total being. It represents the box that my total life is in. So, it seems in my dream I purchased a hotel. How about that for a facility! But it wasn’t just any hotel, it was in some important place like Washington DC or New York City. It was some place where important people gather. It had been there for years so it had lots of history within it’s walls as well as room for more.

I had decided to start with one room and clean out each room to freshen things up. So, I checked out drawers and inside this and that. And shelves and the sofa and everywhere. And I came up with a huge amount of historic debris. There were notes, theater tickets stubs, even a false tooth for example. Oodles of artifacts. I put it all in a big ziploc and marked the room number on it. There were ninety nine rooms to go but I just got through one. Who knows what would show up, guns, knives, gold nuggets, long lost poetry.

Yea, there was strong flavor in all this to me. It seemed a good thing. It seemed a place I could really move into with my personal cast of characters. The dream was very simple really but had oodles of flavor, it was rich.

This goes along with my own personal waking life predicament of having decreasing physical capabilities. This is my payoff for negative things happening. Loose some, gain some. This is the way I chose to look at it.

long lost poetry loves, Felipé.

10 thoughts on “My Dream 6-14-21”

  1. Thanks for sharing your dream, Phil, it helps me. I can shamelessly project what your dream means to me if it were my dream. It’s generous of you to share as always.

    1. Beaky ~ thanks for checking in. Yea, shamelessly forge ahead! I might add more to it tomorrow or soon. It keeps unfolding. Felipé.x

  2. Thanks for sharing that dream. I too dream
    of houses and build on mugs and know they are metaphor for my entire life-package.
    Rounding up your forgotten or unrealized history makes sense to me. My unconscious self seems to be bringing lots of that sort of thing to mind day and night lately, and age + health stuff seems to be the instigator.
    Seems to be very nice that you have 99 rooms of hidden treasure to discover and rediscover. It’s an amazing and compelling gift, I think. Thanks again for sharing.

    1. Steve-O ~ good one hey? This is part of my treasure right now. Sure as hell is not my physical condition. So as Janis said, get it while you can! Felipé.

  3. Excuse me for my comment, boss…

    But as I read this, I thought: WHO would have in a dream Ziploc Bags????!!!!!! Only Felipe, the (dis)organized pilgrim!!!!!!!!!

    As you say: “Geeezzzzz”!

    You made me laugh!

    1. Cris ~ I didn’t think about that! I have this version of the Bible that I use. It is a paraphrase in modern English. I have found band-aid and casserole in there but not motorcycle! Felipé.x

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